小学三年级英语竞赛试卷 1

发布 2022-05-16 04:56:28 阅读 1489


一、 根据下列字母的提示,给字母找邻居。(注意所给字母的大小写)(每空1分,共12分)

1、u2、r3、 _y__

4、__h__ 5、__n__ 6、a__c_


)1、 a mother b father c teacher

)2、 a duck b desk c chair

)3、 a plane b pear c peach

)4、 a small b giraffe c short

)5、 a fifteen b friend c twelve

)6、 a bike b grape c bus

)7、 a milk b water c box

)8、 a pen b pencil c ball

)9、 a apple b water c banana

)10、 a panda b elephant c strawberry


同音字母 am( 缩写形式。







1. pen 2. bird 3. face 4. pink 5. pencil

6. nose7. eye 8. mouse

11. hand 12. bear 13. yellow 14. purple 15. pig

16. ruler 17. dog 18. red 19. rabbit





a. who is this boy? b. who’s that boy ? c. who’s that girl?


a. where’s my car? b. where’s my cat? c. this is my car.

)3、如果有人对你说:“i’m sorry”.你应该怎样回答:

a.thank youb. you are welcome . c . it’s ok.


a. where are you from? b. how are you? c. how old are you?


a、 mike. b、this is mike. c、how are you?


ab )1. who’s that girla. ok.

)2. h**e some fruitsb. sure. here you are

)3. do you like peachesc. it’s on the desk.

)4. let’s watch tvd. she’s my sister.

)5. can i h**e a peare. thank you.

)6. where’s my rulerf. i h**e twelve.

)7. how many crayons do you h**e? g. i’m from china.

)8. where are you fromh. yes, i do.


)1. can i use your pencil?

a. 我能借用你的钢笔吗? b. 我能借用你的铅笔吗?

)2. it has a long nose and a short tail.

a. 它有一个长长的鼻子和一条短短的尾巴。

b. 它有一个小小的鼻子和一条长长的尾巴

)3. welcome back to school.

a. 欢迎回到学校b. 让我们一起去学校!

)4. do you like pears?

a. 你喜欢香梨吗b. 你喜欢桃吗。


1、i am a student.

2、how many pencils can you see?

3、i h**e a new friend.

4、she is my mother.

5、may i h**e a look? sure.

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