
发布 2022-05-16 04:54:28 阅读 8716


听力部分。一。 把听到的单词挑选出来。

二。 听音连线,编序号。

)goodyour pencil-box, please.

)what’s your a rabbit.



)show me are you?

三。 将与听到的内容相符的画上“√”不符的打“×”

1. hellohi! (

2. this is gao weithis is peter.(

3. it’s bigit’s small.(

4. fine, thank youi’m fine, thank you.(

5. look at my armnot very well.(

笔试部分。一。 挑选出各种类别的单词,以序号的形式写在相应的位置。



二。 根据要求画出物品。

1. draw a ruler.

2. draw a face with a nose, two eyes and a mouth.

3. draw a rabbit.

三。 根据情景选择句子。

)1. 新学期第一天,班里来了个新同学,老师怎样向同学们介绍:

a. it’s li yanb. this is li yanc. look at li yan.

)2. 你摔伤了胳臂,别人问你过得怎样,你应怎样回答?

a. i’m very well. b. fine, thank you. c. not very well.

)3. 初次见面如何跟对方打招呼问候:

a. how do you do? b. how are you? c. what’s this?

)4. 生日那天爸爸送你一件礼物,你想夸奖它非常好,怎样说呢?

a. oh, i’m sorryb. oh, it’s nice! c. oh, it’s small.

)5. 到晚上该睡觉的时候了,你该怎样跟父母道别呢?

a. good night! b. good evening! c. good-bye!


一。 把听到的单词挑选出来。

1. this is my eraser.

2. look at my mouth.

3. it’s a dog.

4. good morning!

二。 听音连线,编序号。

1. how are you?

2. show me your pencil-box, please.

3. what’s your name?

4. i’m a rabbit.

5. good afternoon.

三。 将与听到的内容相符的画上“√”不符的打“×”

1. hello!

2. this is peter.

3. it’s big.

4. fine, thank you.

5. look at my arm.

听力部分。一。 把听到的单词挑选出来。

1. (b ) 2. (c ) 3. (a ) 4. (c )

二。 听音连线,编序号。

)goodyour pencil-box, please.

)what’s your a rabbit.



)show me are you?

答案:5—good afternoon. 3—what’s your name?

1—how are you? 4—i’m a rabbit.

2—show me your pencil-box, please.

三。 将与听到的内容相符的画上“√”不符的打“×”

1. hellohi!(

2. this is gao weithis is peter.(

3. it’s bigit’s small.(

4. fine, thank youi’m fine, thank you.(

5. look at my armnot very well.(

笔试部分。一。 挑选出各种类别的单词,以序号的形式写在相应的位置。

动物类:1 11 12 15 16

文具类:2 5 6 7 14

身体部位类:3 4 8 9 10 13 17

二。 根据要求画出物品。

1. draw a ruler.

2. draw a face with a nose, two eyes and a mouth.

3. draw a rabbit.

三。 根据情景选择句子。

b )1. 新学期第一天,班里来了个新同学,老师怎样向同学们介绍:

a. it’s li yanb. this is li yanc. look at li yan.

c )2. 你摔伤了胳臂,别人问你过得怎样,你应怎样回答?

a. i’m very well. b. fine, thank you. c. not very well.

a )3. 初次见面如何跟对方打招呼问候:

a. how do you do? b. how are you? c. what’s this?

b )4. 生日那天爸爸送你一件礼物,你想夸奖它非常好,怎样说呢?

a. oh, i’m sorryb. oh, it’s nice! c. oh, it’s small.

a )5. 到晚上该睡觉的时候了,你该怎样跟父母道别呢?

a. good night! b. good evening! c. good-bye!

class: name:

)1. good morning! !

)2. nice to see you again !

are you ? to see you , too . do you do ?

) night,mom !

! night ! evening .

) do you do ?

are you ? do you do ?

) many story books do you h**e ?

h**e 10. can see 10. yuan.

) you h**e new teachers?

do . don’t. h**e .

) your art teacher ?

zhu. zhu. tall.

) he like?

tall and strong . is. zhu.

) your english teacher young?

isn’t. is . is.

)10. ?her name is chen jie.

your name ? she name ? her name ?

)11. ?i like chinese,math and english.

classes do you like? do you like? are you like ?

)12. ?we h**e english and

do you h**e on mondays ? do you h**e ?

do you h**e on monday?

)13. ?it’s monday.

is it today ? day is it today ? day is today ?

)14. ?i watch tv and do my homework.

do you do ? do you do in mondays?

do you do on sundays ?

) i h**e a look ?

you are . you are .

) math teacher is canada.

) three new teachers.

) chinese teacher like ?

) is thin.

) are days in a week.

) are month(月)in a year(年).

) often watch tv saturday .

) like i don’t lime music.

) is apple. it is red apple., a a

) do you like ?


class: name:

)1. how are you ?

is. are you ?

)2. nice to meet you !

you. to meet you ,too !

)3. how do you go to school ?

go to canada by plane. go to school by bike. about you ?

)4. how do you go to the usa ?

usually go to school by bus. go to england by ship. go by plane.

)5. ?my home is near the post office.

a. where is your home ? you then!

)6. see you at 2 o’clock.

you then ! fifth floor. easy.

)7. ?you can go by the no.15 bus.

not far. b. how can i get to zhongshan park ?

)8. where is the hospital?

to the cinema. you . welcome.

)9. excuse me ,is there a cinema near here ?

is . not far. near the post office.

)10.? it’s near the post office.

is . not far. c. where is the library?

)11. ?it’s next to the hospital.

a. where is the cinema ,please ? it far ? straight.

)12. how can i get to the hospital ?

next to the hospital. can go by the no.201 bus. you.

) you .

you . welcome.

)14. how can i get to the museum?

turn left. you . east of the cinema .

)15. where is the post office ?

turn left. you . east of the cinema .

)16. what are you going to do this evening ?

going to the cinema . go to school on foot. is.

)17. is it far ?

is . it is . isn’t.

)18. do you go to school ?

)19. i go to school bike.

b. by

)20. can i go foot ?

) can i to the post office ?

b. get

)22. me.

a. excuse b. how

)23. birthday to you !

a. after

)24. the hospital is the left.

a. at

)25. is the bookstore ?


答题时间 45分钟 听力部分。一。把听到的单词挑选出来。二。听音连线,编序号。goodyour pencil box,please.what s your a rabbit.howafternoon.i mname?show me are you?三。将与听到的内容相符的画上 不符的打 1.hell...


2011 2012学年度第二学期小学三年级英语期中试卷。命题人 袁彬霞分值 100分 时间 120分 nameclassmark 听力部分。一 听听,圈圈。根据录音内容,把 下面相应的字母画一圆圈住。10分 ababab abab二 听一听,排一排。根据你听到的内容给下面的 用啊拉伯数字排序。10分...


一 听录音,给字母排顺序 15分 aaccffiijjmmrrqqttuu xxeeddvvss 二 听录音,给图画排顺序 10分 分享到 qq空间腾讯微博腾讯朋友。分享0收藏0顶0踩0 点击 小语全册试题小数全册试题小语全册课件小数全册课件举报。工作室 工作室当前 注册时间2008 1 6最后登录...