
发布 2022-11-12 07:07:28 阅读 8437




i am我是—i’myou are你是、你们是---you’rethey are它们是---they’reit is它是---it’sshe is她是—she ishe is他是---he’swhat is是什么---what’swho is是谁---who’slet us让我们—let’sis not—isn’tdo not---don’t

写出反义词:fat–thintall—shortlong—shortbig --small

写出国名:chinaprc中国canadacan加拿大america;the usa美国englandthe uk英国australia澳大利亚。

an eraseran eggan elephantan applean orangean old man一位老人。


how many多少how old多大了h**e a good time玩得开心点。

look at me看着我in the desk在书桌里under my chair在我的椅子下面onthe car在小汽车上at the zoo在动物园里at school在学校at home在家里。


let’s do

row a boat划船bounce a ball.拍球driver a car.开小汽车put on a cap.戴帽子read a map.看地图。

put you foot under your your hand on your chair.把你的脚放在你的椅子下面。把你的手放在你的椅子上面。

put your arm in your you hand under your desk.把你的胳膊放在你的书桌里面。把你的手放在你的书桌下面。

big,big,big!small,small,small!make your eyes big.

让你的眼睛变大。make your eyes your arm your arm short.

句型复习。1.--welcome back to school.欢迎返校。--thank you.


2.--we h**e two new friends today.今天我们有两位新朋友。--welcome.欢迎。

is mike. he is my brother. he is an engish teacher.

他是一位英语老师。4.--nice to meet you.

--nice to meet you,too.

5.—how are you?--i’m fine,thank you?

6.--how old are you ?-i am eleven years old.

7.--how old is your sister? -she is twelve.

8.--how many books do you h**e?你有多少本书?--i h**e thirteen books.

9.—how many boxes do you see?你看见多少个盒子?--i see fourteen boxes.

10.—how many children can you see?你能看见多少个孩子?--i can see fifteen children.

11.--where are you from? -i’m from china.

12.--where is your mother from? -she’s from america\the usa.

她来自美国。13.--where are you?


--i’m at school.\ at home.\ at the zoo.

我在学校\在家\在动物园。14.--where is my cat?

-it’s in\on\under the desk.15.--where are my boats?

-they are on my bag.

h**e a new bag.--how nice.\how at the elephant. it’s so big and fat.

it has a long nose. it has small eyes and big ears. it has four legs.


the monkey has a long tail.这只猴子有一条长尾巴。 hand has five fingers.


father has a nice new car.我父亲有一辆漂亮的小汽车。

that man? -he’s my this woman?--she’s my are you?你是谁?--i am chen jie.

18.--what’s this?--it’s an orange.

--what colour is it?--it’s orange.--do you like oranges?

-yes,i do.--h**e some oranges.--thank you.

--you’re welcome.

19.--what fruit do you like?

--i like i h**e some watermelcons---sure.\here you are.--thanks.


20.--are you john?--yes,i am.

\not,i’m not.21---are you a teacher? -no,i’m a teacher.

22.--are you from canada?你来自加拿大吗?

yes,i am.\no,i’m not. i’m from the uk.不,我不是。我来自英国。

23.--look at that he your father?--yes,he isn’t.

24.--look at this map. is it under the chair?

看这张地图。它在椅子下面吗?--no,it isn’t.

it is on the chair.不,它不在。它在椅子上。

25.--is the girl your sister?这个女孩是你的妹妹吗?

--yes,she is.是的,她是。

no,she isn’t. she is my good friend.不,她不是。她是我的好朋友。

26.--let’s play a game.我们来玩游戏吧。

--ok. \great.好的好极了27.

—let’s go home.我们回家吧。 play hide and seek.

我们来玩捉迷藏吧。 a good time.玩得开心点 can’t find you.


much fruit.这么多的水果。so many apples.这么多的苹果。 can get peaches.我个子高,我能摘到桃子。

i’m can get strawberries.我个子矮,我可以摘到草莓。

like pears.我喜欢梨。--me,too.我也喜欢。

don’t like grapes.我不喜欢葡萄。--me,neither.

我也不喜欢。35.—can i h**e an apples,please?


或者问can i h**e some apples,please?我能吃一些苹果吗?--sure.当然可以here you are.给你。--thank you.

--you’re welcome.不用谢。

36.—do you like grapes? -no,i don’t.

--what about watermelons?--i like watermelons very much.我非常喜欢西瓜。

37.10 and 8 makes 18. 10+8= 184 times 5 makes 204×5= you count with me?


small one is a monkey.这个小的一只是一只猴子。 black one is a bird.


guess!猜对了。you are right.

你说对了。wait a minute.请稍等。

43.--your kite is so beautiful!你的风筝这么漂亮!

--thank you!谢谢你。44.

--happy children’s day!祝儿童节快乐!--thanks.

谢谢你。45.—happy birthday to you!

祝你生日快乐!—thank you.谢谢你。

love my family.我爱我的家人。we love animals.



name is mike. i am eleven years old. i’m from canada.

i’m a is my is a teacher. she is short. she has a round(圆) face.

she has bigeyes and small ears. she likes red and yellow. she likes apples and bananas.

this is my is tall and strong(强壮的).he has a big has a smallnose and a big mouth. he likes likes strawberries and love them very much.

我很爱他们。they love me,too.他们也爱我。


一 正确抄写单词。二 单词分类。1 国家。uk canada usa china 2 家庭成员。father mother grandmother爸爸妈妈 外 祖母。grandfather sister brother外 祖父姐 妹兄 弟。women man he she 女人男人他她。studen...


2 he s my father grandfathe teacher.他是我的父亲 祖父 老师。3 who s this that woman?这位 那位女士是谁?4 she s my mother grandmather teacher?她是我的母亲 祖母 老师。5 who s this tha...


复习资料。2014年4月。目录。一 要求能在四线格里准确听写的单词 3 二 要求能听说认读的单词 3 三 要求能听说的单词 4 四 要求能理解会背的对话 4 五 重点认读句子 最好背过 4 六 要求能听懂会做的动作 6 七 要求了解的内容 6 pep小学英语三年级下册总复习资料。班级 姓名 一 要求...