
发布 2022-11-12 07:09:28 阅读 8479

4a module3 unit1 in our school 过关纸。


一.词汇。office 办公室 an office 一间办公室 the teachers’ office 老师的办公室。

gym 体育馆 playground 操场 canteen 食堂 hall 礼堂。

toilet 厕所 garden 花园 school garden 校园 music room **教室。

computer lab 电脑房library 图书馆(复数: libraries

classroom 教室the english classroom 英语教室

building 大楼;建筑物 classroom building 教学大楼 office building 办公大楼

rainbow primary school 彩虹小学in animal school 在动物学校。

behind 在……后面 in front of 在…….前面。

lunch 午饭 h**e lunch 吃午餐 noon 中午 at noon 在中午。

computer 计算机 lesson 课h**e computer lessons 上电脑课

cupboard 橱柜 bookshelf 书架 (复数:bookshelves)

study 学习 study with kim 和kim一起学习 busy 忙碌的。

clean 干净的 tidy 整洁的clean and tidy 既干净又整洁。

floor 楼层;地面 on this floor 在这层楼上 mr black 布莱克先生。

an english teacher 英语老师 a teacher from the uk 一个来自英国的老师。

a lot of 许多 a lot of books 许多书 show…around 带领(某人)参观。

many 许多 many flowers and plants 许多花和植物。

forest 森林 a big forest 一个大森林 in the forest 在森林里。

river 河a small river 一条小河 (the) first 第一

think 认为try 尝试h**e a try 试一试

come on 赶快 a bad student 一个坏学生 notebook 笔记本

二. 句型。

1. welcome to rainbow primary school. 欢迎来彩虹小学。

2. -thank you so much非常感谢。

---you’re welcome不用谢。

3. what’s the matter怎么了?

3. i don’t think so我不这么认为。

4. come on快!加油!加把劲!

5. h**e a try试一试!

6. this is our classroom. there are many desks and chairs in it.

7. that’s the teachers’ office. it’s big那是老师的办公室。很大。

8. what’s on this floor? there is a computer lab. 在这层楼上有什么? 有个电脑房。

三、语法。there be 句型:通常表示“某处有某物或某人”。

1) 基本结构:① there is +单数可数名词/不可数名词+ 地点状语。

there are +复数名词+地点状语。

如:there is a playground in our school. 我们学校有个操场。

there is some rice in the bowl. 碗里有一些米饭。

there are a lot of children in the playground. 操场上有许多孩子。

2)就近原则:如果出现两种及以上物体时,就看最靠近there be的名词,如果是单数可数名词或不可数名词就用there is;如果是复数名词就用there are.

如:there is a swing and a slide in the garden.

there are two bookshelves and a cupboard in the classroom.

there is some milk, some bread and some cakes on the table.

3)划线部分提问:(what’s + 地点?)

there is a small river in the forest. →what’s in the forest?

there are many books on the shelf. →what’s on the shelf?

4) 回与答。

---what’s in your schoolbag?

-- there is a pencil case in my schoolbag.

-- what’s in your pencil case?

---there are some pencils, a rubber and a ruler in it.

四、语音。fr- /fr/ fruit from gr- /gr/ grandpa grow tr- /tr/ tree

五、小作文:our school (要求:用至少30个词,三种及以上句型介绍你的学校。)

look at our school. it is big and clean. there is a playground in our school.

it is big. we play football in the playground. there is a classroom building in front of the playground.

there are a lot of classrooms in the classroom building. we like our school.

4a module3 unit2 around my home过关纸。


一. 词汇。

supermarket 超市 post office 邮局 restaurant 餐馆 bakery 面包房。

shop 商店 clothes shop 服装店 hotel 旅馆 park 公园。

home 家city 城市neighbourhood 社区。

street 街道 a busy street 一条繁忙的街道 on this street 在这条街上。

at no. 126, garden street 在花园街126号。

road 道路 nanjing road 南京路 on the road 在马路上

next to 紧邻; 在近旁 between 在(两者)之间 near 在…….附近。

around 在……周围around my home 在我家周围。

some 一些(常用于肯定句中) any 一些(常用于否定句或问句中)

send a postcard 寄明信片post a letter 寄信

buy some bread 买些面包way 路; 路线。

show … the way 给……带路 show you/him/her the way 给你/他/她指路

a map of … 一张…….的地图 a map of my neighbourhood 一张我家社区的地图。

in shanghai 在上海 centre 中心 in the centre of shanghai 在上海的中心。


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