
发布 2022-11-12 05:51:28 阅读 5741



一、 写出下列单词。(12分。






( )1. a. bread b. milkc. ball d. coffee

) 2. a. boatb. kite c. plane d. car

) 3. a. green b. yellow c. red d. paint

) 4. a. animalb. dogc. monkey d. bear

) 5. a. crayon b. pen c. pencil d. brown


1. he’s(完整形式) 2. child(复数) 对应词)

(反义词 not(缩写形式)

7.蜡笔(译英) 8.外祖母(口语。

单三形式 ) 反义词。


( )elephant has a __nose and a __tail.

a. short; long b. long; short c. short; short

)2. bai ling, this my friend ,amy.

are )3. –is he your brother

a. yes, she is b. no, he is c. no, he isn’t

)4.__is that woman---she is my english teacher ,miss chen .

a. where b. who c. what

) many __can you seenineteen.

a. kite b. kites c. cat

) a new friend .her name is alice.

a. amb. h**e c. has

) is that girlis my sister.

a. ib. hec. she

)8.__are you fromi'm from america.

a. where b. who c. how many

) some fruits

a. thank you. good!

)10. is it on the desk

a. yes, it isn’t b .no, it isc. no, it isn’t.


1. nice to meet youa. he is my dad.

2. where are you fromb. yes i do.

3. who’s that manc. i can see 12.

4. do you like orangesd. nice to meet you ,too.

5. how many kites can you see? e. i’m from china.

6. can i h**e some ice-cream? f. sure.


1.你想向你的妈妈介绍miss white,应该怎么说?__

a. this is my mother. b .this is me. c .this is my teacher.


a. can i h**e some watermelons, please?

b. i want to h**e watermelons.

c. can you h**e some bananas, please?


a. how many balloons can you see?

b .how many balls do you h**e?

c. how many balloons do you h**e?


a. where is my car? b .where is my toy car? c. what is my car?

5. 当别人称赞你的衣服漂亮时,你应说:__

a. thank you. b. not at all. c. you're welcome


look elephant the (.

where you are (?

some fruit let’s (.

4. has it a short tail (.

5. to, welcome, school, back (.


( )1. where are my car

a b c ) 2. i’m from usa

a b c ) 3. he is i friend, amy

a b c ) 4. how many crayon do you h**e

abc ) 5. it h**e a long nose

a bc十、给右边的句子选择相应的汉语意思。(5分)

)this is my family.

)look at the giraffe.

)nice to see you again.

)don’t feed the animals.

)how beautiful!


) you're welcome.

) ok. here you are.

) h**e some juice!

) thank you.

) no, thanks. i like coke.


一 请你写出下列字母的左邻右舍相应字平的大小写。每空1分 1 bb2 dd3 oo 4 n5 s6 q7 p 二 单词连线 共16分 1 pigduckapplerebbitslide 鸭子小猪苹果滑梯兔子。2 sheep cowchickhearhen 牛羊小鸡母难听见。3 horse eleph...

三年级英语月考卷 2

2015 2016学年度第二学期月考三年级英语监测试卷。时间 100 分钟总分 100 分 一 补全下列单词。10分 1 b dy 身体 2 ar 胳膊 3 f ther 父亲 4 grandp 爷爷 5 b s 公共汽车 6 t xi 出租车 7 ski t 短裙 8 dr ss 连衣裙 9 h ...


三年级英语月考。一 听写字母。12分 二,把下列单词与对应的汉语意思连线。6分 people 筷子 knife and fork 人们。chopsticks 可爱的。chips 刀和叉。instead 薯条。lovely 代替。三 按要求完成下列各题。12分 1.be2.单三。复数4.make ca...