
发布 2022-11-04 17:45:28 阅读 5311


一、listen and write


例如: a nt

1. urse 2. nake 3. armer 4. ta i 5. f sh

6. itchen ow 8. o-yo 9. cu 10. poon

二、listen and choose


三、listen and tick


四、listen and judge


五、listen and choose


) 1. a. this is my uncle. b. he is a baseball player. is a baseball player.

) 2. a. she is in the bedroom. is a farmer.

mother is a nurse. 新课标第一网。

) 3. a. i like dogs. like some hot dogs. c. i’d like a hambergur.

) 4. tall. b. he’s a farmer.

c. he likes mutton.

) 5. on the desk. book and five pencils.

fan and two boards.

六、listen and write


john and chen jie are myjohn is ahe has big eyes and a big mouth. he likes his englishchen jie is a niceshe has long hair. she likes music.

she’s a good

七、listen and judge


) doll’s name is coco.

) thin and tall.

) has a small mouth and two big blue eyes.

) is in my bathroom.

) like my doll very much.


八、read and write


九、think and write


rbhtore mcslaosor rierdvatwrelurer

十、read and choose


十、read and answer.看图回答问题。(每小题2分,共10分)

1). where’s father christmas? he’s in the

a. kitchen b. living room

2) my baby brother is in the study?

a. yes, he is. b. no , he isn’t.

3). myis in the bathroom.

a. puppyb. balloon

4). this is my mother, she is a __

a. nurse b. fork

5) my father likes

a. reading books b. computer games


八. 1. dd 3. ll

九. 5. ruler

十.1-5 bbaaa


一 补全单词所缺的字母。1.h rse 马 西瓜 下雪的 黄色的 夹克衫 这,这个 计算机 时间 梨 鸭 二 找出不同类的单词,将答案的序号填在括号内。1.a.canteenb.gymc.computerd.library2.a.schoolb.lunchc.breakfastd.dinner3.a...


四年级期末试题。一 看 找单词,把单词抄写在对应的 下面的四线三格里。10分 fridge fork computer chinese book nurse 二 找出不同类的一项,将其代号填在题前括号里。10分 1.a.pencil b.notebook c.bookd.floor 2.a.keyb...

四年级英语 小学四年级英语上册期末试题

人教版小学英语四年级上册阶段性检测题。班级姓名考号。听力部分 30分 一 听录音,找出你所听到的单词,将序号填在前面的括号内。5分 1.a.bedroom b.living room c.kitchen d.study 2.a.phone b.bed c.bathroom d.table 3.a.s...