7年级下册7单元SectionA 1a 1c 导学案

发布 2022-11-04 01:02:28 阅读 4932

unit 7 it’s raining.

学习目标】 1.掌握询问天气的句型:how’s the weather?及答语。

2.运用所学语音项目how’s the weather? it’s sunny. 等内容与他人交流有关天气的信息。

学习过程】 一. 预习指导与检测。






1. how’s the weather?=what’s the weather like ?

都是用来询问天气状况的句型。例如: how’s the weather in beijing?

=what’s the weather like in beijing ?

2.英语中有许多名词可以加-y这样的后缀变成形容词,如: wind-windy, snow-snowy, sun-sunny。你知道它们怎么变吗?cloudrain

的用法: 既可作名词又可作动词。表示“下雨”句型也不同。

作名词时,“下大雨”可以说the rain is he**y.或it’s he**y rain. 作动词时,“下大雨”可以说 it is raining he**ily.

此外,也可加后缀-y变成形容词,表达“下雨”可说it’s rainy.


1. 把下列的名词变成形容词 cloudrainsunwindsnow

2. 翻译句子: ―许昌的天气怎么样晴天。

二. 课堂互动**。

各组用简笔画或**呈现不同类型的天气,运用句型how’s the weather? it’s … 进行问答。

三. 当堂检测。 1. 完成下列句子。

(1the weather in beijing? (2) -look, whattheydo)? theyplay) tennis.

(3) therebe) some milk in the glass. (4) can hego) shopping with me? (5) lucyh**e) lunch at school now.

she usuallyh**e) lunch at school.

四. 课后拓展::读下面一篇天气预报,回答问题。 good morning!

today is tuesday, feb.8th, 20009. here is the weather report..

if you go out, don’t forget to wear warm clothes. boston is raining. take an umbrella or a raincoat with you when you go out.

moscow is sunny. toronto is windy. that’s the report for today.

thank you for listening.

1. what’s the date today

2. is the weather report for china

3. what’s the weather like in beijing

4. what should(应该)you take when you go out in boston

5. is moscow sunny or windy



word and expressions: sentences




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