2019 6旅游英语复习提2纲

发布 2022-09-16 23:52:28 阅读 6236

1. cultural symbols of some countries (10 points) 20 items

directions: group the following cultural symbols into the related country.. write the number in blanks on the answer sheet.

cultural symbols may be chosen from the following list, but not limited in this list.)

china: terra-cotta warriors, potala palace, lingering garden, cemetery of confucius, temple of he**en, acupuncture, the forbidden city, three gorges

america: the greyhound bus service灰狗巴士公司, yellowstone national park, great canyon, the big apple, great lakes, honolulu, universal studios

great britain: buckingham palace, thames river, the big ben, madame tussaud[mdɑ:m] [tu:

su], bagpipe苏格兰风笛, kilt 苏格兰褶裥短裙stonehenge(英国 salisbury 平原上的)史前巨石阵, westminster abbey, tower bridge

france: champs elysees巴黎香榭丽大街, seine river塞纳河, provence普罗旺斯, louvre[lu:vr,lu:

v]卢浮宫, triumphal arch凯旋门, palace of versailles【vsa】凡尔赛宫, cannes[kn] 戛纳, van gogh [vng], gauguin高更 (法国后印象派画家)

spain: flamenco弗拉明戈(舞蹈), la sagrada familia圣家堂教堂, madrid, seville, picasso, gardy, prado museum普拉多博物馆


italy: the renaissance, colosseum[klsim] 罗马圆形大剧场, duomo杜奥莫大教堂, gondola高边敞车威尼斯小划船, rome, florence, bridge of sighs叹息桥, square spagna西班牙广场, michelangelo

greece: zeus temple[zu:s]宙斯神庙, aegean sea[din]爱琴海, acropolis卫城, socrates, plato, apollo temple, parthenon 【pɑ:

θnn】帕台农神殿, athena雅典娜女神, olive flower 橄榄。

eygpt: aswan [swɑn] 阿斯旺, sphinx [sfks] 狮身人面像, pharaoh [fro]法老, temple of karnak卡纳克神庙, nile river[nal], pompey’s pillar

ii. vocabulary (10 points) 20 items

directions: choose the most proper word for each blank to complete the following sentences

教材unit 1---13的相应练习。

iii. reading comprehension (10 points)

directions: there are 2 reading passages in this part. each passage is followed by 5 questions.

you should decide on the best choice and write down the corresponding letter.

略高于cet 四级难度的文章2篇。

iv. translation (10 points)

directions: put the chinese in brackets into english.

10 个句子,教材unit 1---13

v. writing (10 points)



ladies and gentlemen,welcome to --i’m --i will be your tour guide for this trip. this is our driver, mr./ms.

sb. you should remember our coach number; 123456.

或者。ladies and gentlemen,welcome to … i’m … from …tr**el agency. i will be your guide during your stay in …

crystal clear

lush is characterized by

is dotted with


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