1,non-smoking section 无烟区2、parking area停车场 3、national guide全陪4、airport inquiries机场问询处 5、luggage claim tag行李认领牌6、passenger route旅客通道 7、carry-on luggage手提行李8、square kilometer平方公里 9、world cultural heritage实际文化遗产10、drinking water饮用水 11、gathering place集合地点12、local conditions and customs民俗风情。
13、architectural style建筑风格14、traffic light红绿灯 15、crossroads junction十字路口16、check-in登记入住 17、registration form登记表18、morning call叫早服务 19、standard room标准间20、triple room三人间 21、vip suite贵宾套房22、go through the formalities办手续 23、currency exchange limit 兑换限额24、bell captain 行李主管 25、deposit box保险箱26、recreation center 娱乐中心 27、beauty salon 美容沙龙28、extra bed 加床 29、dnd sign 请勿打扰30、comfort station 公共厕所 31、business center 商务中心32、information desk咨询处 33、forbidden city紫禁城34、temple of he**en 天坛 35、sightseeing tour观光团36、final itinerary最终日程安排 37、tr**el arrangement旅行 38、best-selling china-tours最受欢迎(最畅销)中国游 39、special service request特别服务要求40、route map路线图 41、package tour包价旅游42、 chicken cubes with peanuts 宫保鸡丁43、chicken feet 凤爪44poached egg 荷包蛋45、braised pork 扣肉46、green beab cake 绿豆糕47、steamed bread 馒头48、flyover 天桥,立交桥49、moat 护城河50、palace door 宫门51、large quadrangle with a garden 带花园的四合院52、to povide unique appeal 呈现独特的魅力53、embroidery 刺绣54、ceramics 陶瓷55、bamboo we**ing 竹编56、***** cut 剪纸57、new year painting 年画58、chinese seal –engr**ing 中国印章59、wait to see a doctor 候诊60、registration office **处61、outpatient department 门诊处62、inpatient department 住院部63、waiting room 候诊室64、take one’s temperature 给某人量体温。
1. i think you must be tired because of the time difference.
2. please check your luggage again,don’t forget to take it away.
3. one of the most beautiful qualities of friendship is to understand and to be understood.
s my sincers hope that you will enjoy your visit.
a job it is when friends come from far away.
bosom friend afar brings a distand land near.
made a reservations at you hotel for 16 people,now we’d like to check in.我在贵酒店为16位人做了房间预定,现在我们想入住。
we get the room cards now?
you h**e any single rooms with a bath **ailable for tonight?
you arrange a wake-up call for the group at 7 tomorrow?
3、both the chinese and western restaurants are on the second floor.
4、you can go there to swim whenever you want.
8、you'd better not send any delicate or shrinkable items to the laundry.
1、this is a large-scale honored guest's group, everything should be arranged appropriately.这是一个大型的贵宾团,一切都要安排妥当。
3、h**e you got anything special in mind that you would like to see ?
8、we will probably finish our activity at around 5 pm 。.tomorrow.
1、this kind of wine is very well thought of.这种酒受到高度评价。
4、there are eight famous brands of wines in china,how about a cup of maotai?
7、we h**e a buffet. you can h**e as much as you want.
7单元。1、please take good care of your personal articles.请带好您的随身物品。
2、what attracts you most in the palace museum?故宫中最吸引您的是什么?
3、 features 72 high peaks.黄山以七十二峰而闻名。
4、the forbidden city takes up an area of 175 acres,with the moat and city wall surrounding it,and there are watchtowers at each corner of the city wall.
8-9单元) i want to look around firat 我想先四处看看。
shall i show you around and explain the antiques for要不要我带你逛逛给你介绍一下古玩。
i’m afraid you h**e to take some medicine and h**e a good rest 你得吃点药,好好休息。
he is ill with (suffering from)a bad cold 他得了严重的感冒。
i feel dizzy and chilly 我感到头晕,发冷。
his condition has taken a change for the better 他的病情好转了。
a一 名词解释 1 国内旅游收入。2 旅游资源。3 旅游市场细分。4 旅游承载力。二 多项选择题 1 旅游活动的特点包括。普及性 持续性 地域集中性 季节性 时间性。2 可自由支配收入是指个人或家庭的收中扣除之后剩余的收部分。社交费用 全部纳税 社会消费 日常生活必须消费部分 日常娱乐费用。3 凡纳...
一 判断题。1 在旅游审美活动中,主导性的审美关系是指旅游者与自然景观之间的审美关系。2 风景形式美最主要的特征是形象美。3 入芝兰室,久不闻其香 是因为主体与客体的心理距离太近。4 被称为中国园林眼睛的是园林中的假山。5 园林布局强调宾主分明,既突出主景,又有配景的烘托与呼应,反映了中国园林受中国...
一 单项选择 本大题15分,每小题1分 1 从展览会的内涵看,构成一般展览会的四大要素分别是主办单位 参展商 专业观众及 a 服务商b 普通观众c 交通部门d 协办单位2 展览最基本的功能是 a 宣传b 展示c 洽谈d 定货3 将展览按国际展 国家展 地方展进行划分是属于以下哪种分类方式 a 按展览...