
发布 2022-09-09 05:45:28 阅读 3340


1、注意pay attention to


3、天生具有be born with

4、查阅,抬头看look up

5、合作学习work with a group

6、向老师求助ask the teacher for help

7、备考study for a test

8、同某人谈话h**e conversations with

9、大声朗读read aloud

10、用那种方式学到很多learn a lot that way

11、提高口语技能improve speaking skills

12、读完一本书finish reading a book

13、逐词逐句word by word

14、对学生有耐心be patient with students

15、不着急,需要时间it takes time

16、大部分时间most of the time

17、..的秘诀the secret to

18、害怕做某事be afraid to do

19、也as well

20、取决于depend on

21、记笔记take notes

22、背句型memorize sentence patterns

23、英语口语spoke english

24、犯语法错误make grammar mistakes

25、找到一个练习英语的搭档find a partner to practice english with

26、培养学习技巧 develop study skills

27、向某人解释某事 explain sth to sb

28、一生的旅程a lifelong journey

29、有共同之处h**e ..in common

30、紧张,担忧be nervous (about)

unit21.元宵节the lantern festival

2.体重增加了五磅put on five pounds

3.**lose weight

4.与。相似be similar to

5.互相泼水throw water at each other

6.呈。的形状in the shape of

7.民间传说folk stories

8.摆开;布置lay out

9.拒绝做某事refuse to do sth

10.最终成为;最后处于end up

11.以。结束end (up) with

12.与。分享。share sth with sb

13.结果as a result

14.赏满月admire the full moon

15.洗掉,冲走wash away

16.关心care about

17.乔装打扮dress up

18.鬼屋the haunted house

19.作弄某人play a trick on sb

20.分发give out

21.不给糖果就捣蛋trick or treat

22.做某事的重要性the importance of doing

23.圣诞精神the spirit of christmas

24.带某人到处走走take sb around

25.被惩罚be punished by

26.警告某人不要做某事warn sb not to do

27.新生命的开始the beginning of new life

28.改变他的生活chang his life

29.承诺做某事promise to do

30.需要的人the people in need

unit31.劳驾pardon/excuse me

2.得到一些杂志get some magazines


get some information about

4.一对,一双a pair of

5.向左拐turn left

6.向右拐turn right

7.路过书店pass by/go past the bookshop

8.游乐园amusement park

9.以。开头begin/start with

10.尝试这些游乐设施try to rides

11.坐那个新的游乐设施go on the new ride

12.看起来吓人的look scary


walk up to a staff person

14.早点儿来come a little earli

15.吃饭的好地方a good place to eat

16.运用恰当的语言use the right/suitable language

17.有礼貌的求助ask for help politely

18.电子邮件地址e-mail address

19.和。更好的交流communicate better with sb

20.在不同的情况下in different situations

21.直接提问ask direct questions

22.一个地下停车场an undergroud parking

23.导入,引入lead into

24.期待,期盼look forward to

25.第一次for the first time

unit41.过去常常used to do

2.害怕be afraid of

3.是游泳队的队员on a swim team

4.时常,有时from time to time

5.变红turn red

6.开始从事唱歌take up sing

7.应对deal with

8.敢于做。dare to do sth

9.在人群面前in front of crowds

10.总是,一直all the time

11.吸引很多关注get tons of attention

12.小心。be careful about

13.和。闲逛hang out with sb

14.准备做。be prepared to do sth

15.放弃give up

16.通往成功之路the road to success

17.继续战斗fight on

18.需要。做。require...to do sth


only a very small number of people

20.公开地in public

21.缺席be absent from

22.考试失败fail the examination


make a /the decision to do sth


send sb to a boarding school

25.建议。做。advise sb to do sth

26.亲自in person

27.坐24小时的火车take a 24-hour train

28.为。感到自豪take pride in/be proud of

29.在过去的几年里in the last few years

30.对。很多影响h**e a great influence on

unit51.由。制成(可以看出原料)be made of

2.由。制成(看不出材料本身)be made from

3.由。地方生产be made in

4.因。而著名be famous for/be known for

5.因。广为所知be widely known for


an the art and science fair

7.在山坡上on the sides of mountains

8.被手工摘下be picked by hand

9.据我所知as for as i know

10.草和树叶grass and le**es

11.无论是什么no matter what

12.地方产品the local products

13.避免某事**oid doing sth

14.日常物品everyday things

15.在世界各个地方in all parts of the world

16.地球的表面the earth’s surface

17.被水覆盖be covered by water

18.国际风筝节an international kite festival


many different kinds of kites


the special forms of traditional art

21.被变成be turned into

22.根据according to

23.升入空中rise into the sky

24.被看作be seen as

25.幸福的象征symbols of happiness

26.剪纸***** cutting

27.发出,发送send out

28.栩栩如生的人物lively character

29.以非常高的温度at a very high heat

30.放在。上 put...on

unit61.被用作。两种方法)be used for doing

be used to do

2.乐意效劳with pleasure

3.在我们的日常生活中in our daily lives

4.有道理h**e a point

5.在当时at that time

6.时尚的in style

7.过时的out of style

8.在户外的火上over an open fire

9.发生,出现 take place

10.茶圣the saint of tea

11.毫无疑问;的确without doubt

12.突然all of a sudden

13.按门铃ring the bell

14.违反规则break the rules


16.以低价售卖sell at a low price

17.致力于。发明work on the invention of

18.错误地;无意中by mistake

19.最后;最终in the end

20.薯片potato chips

21.一个备受喜爱的运动a much-loved sport

22. 把。分成、分为divide...into...

23.同时at the same time


popularity of basketball

25.梦想;梦到;向往dream of


九年级英语短语 unit 1 1.通过做单词抽认卡。2.向某人求助。3.朗读。4.具体的建议。5.提高我的会话技巧。6.制作词汇表。7.和小组成员一起学习。8.与朋友对话。9.对 变得兴奋起来。10.以说汉语结束对话。11.做有关 的调查。12.记英语笔记。13.英语口语。14.犯错误。15.使发音...


九年级。unit 1 1 make mistakes 犯错,出错。2 later on 以后 随后。3 it doesn t matter没关系。4 be afraid to害怕去做 不敢去做。5 laugh at嘲笑 取笑。6 take notes 做笔记 做记录。7 look up 查阅 查找。...


第四单元 medicine 服药 out make research 做 进行研究 sth.to 把某物系在 上 worried about 为 感到焦虑 5.share.with.和 分享 to 和 谈话。late for class,school,work 迟到。if.如果 的话怎么办?即使 又...