
发布 2022-08-02 00:38:28 阅读 3184

unit 1词组清单。

1. 通过做某事 by doing sth.

2. 查阅,抬头看 look up

3. 笔友 pen pal

4. 把。和。联系起来 connect with5. 向某人求助 ask help

6. 为考试学习 study for a test7. 大声朗读 read aloud

8. 逐字地,一字一字地word by word9. .

的秘诀 the secret to10. 犯错,出错 make mistakes11. 天生具有 be born with12.

独自,单独 on one’s own13. 注意,关注 pay attention to14. 慢慢来(2)

it takes time!/take one’s time.

15. 有共同之处 in common

16. 因为,由于 because of

17. 不敢做某事 be afraid to do sth.

18. 担心做某事 be afraid of doing sth.

19. 大部分时间 most of the time20. 担心(2) worry about/be worried about

21. 与。交谈 h**e a conversation with22. 作报告 give a report23. 听 listen to

24. 以便,为了 so that

25. 某人活该 serve sb right26. 小事一桩 a piece of cake27. 肢体语言 body language28. 也 as well

29. 错误地 by mistake

30. 依靠,取决于 depend on

31. 爱上 fall in love with32. 做某事的能力 the ability to do sth.

33. 从错误中学习 learn from mistakes34. 长时间 for a long time35.

对。感兴趣 be interested in36. 熟能生巧 practice makes perfect37.

用进废退 use it or lose it38. 代替,而不是 instead of39. 起初 at first

40. 记日记 keep a diary

41. 查明弄清 find out

42. 是否 whether or not43. 多次,反复,一再地over and over again44.

即使,虽然(2) even if/ though45. 完成某事 finish doing sth.

unit 2 词组清单。

1. 增加(体重),发胖 put on

2. 摆开,布置 lay out

3. 最终成为,最后处于 end up

4. 挤满。的 be crowded with5. 与。相似 be similar to6. 冲走,冲掉 wash away

7. 喊出 call out

8. 射下,击落 shoot down

9. 以/呈。的形状 in the shape of10. 醒来,唤醒 wake up

11. 生孩子,产仔 give birth to12. 使某人想起 remind sb. of sth.

13. 提醒某人做某事

remind sb. to do sth.

14. 赏月 admire the moon15. 回来 come back

16. 拒绝做某事 refuse to do sth.

17. 计划做某事 plan to do sth.

18. 结果,因此 as a result19. 装扮成 dress up as

20. 把。抛向/洒向 throw ..at21. 与。分享 share sth. with sb.

22. 听起来像 sound like

23. 警告某人做某事

warn sb. to do sth.

24. 承诺做某事 promise to do sth.

25. 决定做某事 decide to do sth.

26. 查明,弄清 find out

27. 关心,在乎 care about

28. .的重要性 the important of29. .的开始 the beginning of30. 需要,需求 in need

31. 赚钱 make money

32. 到处传播 spread around33. 不但。

而且 not only...but also34. 捉弄某人 play a trick on35.

点蜡烛 light candles36. 交好运 h**e good luck37. 因某事钦佩/赞赏某人。

admire sb. for sth./ doing sth.

38. 因公出差 on business

39. 目前,现在 at present

unit 3 词组清单。

1. 路过,经过 pass by

2. 抱歉,请再说一遍 pardon me3. 停车场 parking lot

4. 劳驾,打扰 excuse me

5. 在。右侧 on one’s right6. 在去。路上 on one’s way to7. 在那时 at that time

8. 沿着。走 go along

9. 求助 ask for help

10. 没问题 no problem

11. 在。和。之间 between and12. 在那边 over there

13. 确实有帮助 do help

14. 引入 lead into

15. 朝东走 go east

16. 告诉某人做某事 tell do sth.

17. 在不同情况下

in different situations18. 第一次 for the first time19. 换一些钱 change some money20.

间接问题 indirect questions21. 在一个讲英语的国家。

in an english-speaking country22. 期待,期盼 look forward to doing23. 准时 on time

24. 做某事很兴奋be excited to do sth.

25. 加油,来吧 come on

26. 提出请求 make requests27. 某人需要做某事sb. need to do sth.

28. 某事需要做(2)

sth. need doing / sth. need to be done

29. 介绍自己 introduce oneself30. 想要做某事 would like to do sth.

31. 当然 of course

32. 建议做某事(2)

suggest/advise doing sth.

33. 建议某人做某事

advise sb. to do sth.

34. 寄信 mail a letter

35. 改正错误 correct the mistake36. 对某人有礼貌 be polite to sb.

37. 以。开始 start with

unit 4 词组清单。

1. 时常,有时 from time to time2. 应对,处理 deal with

3. 公开地 in public

4. 亲身,亲自 in person

5. 对。骄傲/自豪(2)

take pride in/ be proud of6. 每天 every day

7. 得到好成绩 get good scores8. 戴眼镜 wear glasses

9. 大量,许多 tons of

10. 奋力坚持下去 fight on

11. 私下地 in private

12. 不能够 be not able to13. 闲逛 hang out

14. 为某事面试某人。

interview sb. for sth.

15. 就某事采访某人。

interview sb. about sth.

16. 准备好做某事。

be prepared to do sth.

17. 发表演讲 give a speech18. 对。

感到紧张 be nervous about19. 擅长(2)be good at/ do well in20. 导致任何问题cause any problems21.

缺席 be absent form22. 变的失去兴趣

become less interested in23. 交朋友 make friends

24. 与某人交流(2)

communicate with sb./h**e communication with sb.

25. 寄宿学校 boarding school26. 一直做某事 be always doing sth.

27. 随叫随到,不离左右be there for sb.

28. 并不是,不全是 not exactly29. 影响某人做某事

influence sb. to do sth.

30. 搬到某地 move to sp.

31. 总的来说 generally speaking32. 在过去的几年里。

in the past/last few years33. 放弃 give up doing sth.

34. 过去常常做某事 used to do sth.

35. 被用来做某事 be used to do sth.

36. 习惯于做某事be used to doing sth.

37. 开始从事占据 take up doing sth.


九年级英语短语 unit 1 1.通过做单词抽认卡。2.向某人求助。3.朗读。4.具体的建议。5.提高我的会话技巧。6.制作词汇表。7.和小组成员一起学习。8.与朋友对话。9.对 变得兴奋起来。10.以说汉语结束对话。11.做有关 的调查。12.记英语笔记。13.英语口语。14.犯错误。15.使发音...


九年级。unit 1 1 make mistakes 犯错,出错。2 later on 以后 随后。3 it doesn t matter没关系。4 be afraid to害怕去做 不敢去做。5 laugh at嘲笑 取笑。6 take notes 做笔记 做记录。7 look up 查阅 查找。...


unit1 1 注意pay attention to 2 把。和。连接或联系起来connect.with 3 天生具有be born with 4 查阅,抬头看look up 5 合作学习work with a group 6 向老师求助ask the teacher for help 7 备考st...