
发布 2022-09-08 06:59:28 阅读 5918

汽车大修平均在修车日**erage days during major repair of vehicles

汽车大修平均工时**erage man-hours of vehicle maintenance and repair

汽车维修平均费用**erage costs of vehicle maintenance and repair

汽车大修返修率returning rate of major repair of vehicle

汽车小修频率frequency of current repair of vehicles

汽车大修间隔里程**erage interval mileage of major repair of vehicles

汽车修理工人实物劳动生产率labour productivity of repair-man

汽车维护企业enterprise of vehicle maintenance and repair

汽车维护场(站)maintenance depot (station) of vehicles


汽车修理厂vehicle repair plant

汽车总成修理厂unit repair plant for vehicle

汽车诊断站vehicle diagnosis station

汽车检测站detecting test station of vehicle

汽车维修网点network of vehicle maintenance and repair

汽车维修工具和设备instrument and device for vehicle maintenance and repair


花扳手ring spanner


双头扳手double-ended spanner

鲤鱼钳combination pilers

轮胎螺栓扳手wheel wrench

厚度规feeler gauge

杆式气缸量规bar-type cylinder gauge

气缸压力表cylinder compressor gauge

活塞台钳piston vice

活塞加热器piston heater

活塞环工具piston ring tool

活塞环钳(活塞环拆装钳)piston ring pliers (piston ring tongs)

压环器piston ring compressor

活塞环锉piston ring file

活塞销拉器piston-pin extractor

连杆校正器connecting rod alignment fixture

气门座刀具valve seat cutter

气门弹簧压缩器valve spring compressor

气门研磨工具valve grinding tool (valve lapper)

调整气门间隙扳手tappet wrench

浮子室液面仪float level gauge

歧管压力表manifold pressure gauge set

点火正时灯(正时观测灯)ignition timing light (stroboscope)

燃烧分析仪combustion tester

断电器触点闭合角dwell meter

火花塞间隙量规plug gap gauge

火花塞套筒扳手spark plug box (socket) spanner

蓄电池液体比重计battery hydrometer

汽车架car stand (jack stand)

轮轴架axle stand

前束量尺toe-in gauge

外倾测量器camber gauge

制动踏板压下器brake depressor

制动器放气软管hose for brake bleeding

车架量规frame gauge

轮毂拆卸器hub puller

车轮拆卸器wheel wrench


打气筒tire pump

螺旋千斤顶screw jack

轮胎压力计pressure gauge

油壶oil can

手油泵manual fuel pump

黄油枪grease gun

起动摇把starting crank

工具袋tool bag

车身修整工具body bumping tool

发动机测功机engine dynamometer

发动机综合试验机engine analyzer

发动机示波器engine scope (oscillograph)

电子诊断式发动机试验仪electronic-diagnostic engine tester

滚筒式测功试验台roller type dynamometer (test bed)

发动机加速测功仪free acceleration engine tester

容积式油耗计volumetric fuel meter

红外线废气分析仪infrared rays exhaust gas analyzer

异响诊断仪abnormal engine noise diagnosis equipment

气缸漏气率检验仪cylinder leak tester

发动机分析仪engine analysis apparatus

进气歧管真空度表intake manifold vacuum meter

气缸压力表cylinder pressure gauge

调整用的试验检测仪tune-up tester

底盘测功机chassis dynamometer

底盘润滑机chassis lubricator

曲轴箱窜气量测定仪blow-by meter

反作用力制动试验台reaction type brake tester

惯性式制动试验台inertia type brake tester

转向盘间隙测量仪steering wheel freeplay gauge

测滑试验台side-slip checking stand

前照灯检验仪head light checking equipment

气缸孔垂直检验仪cylinder perpendicularity gauge

主轴承座孔同轴度检验仪main bearing aligning gauge

移动式车轮平衡机portable wheel balancer

固定式车轮平衡机wheel balancer

车轮动平衡机dynamic wheel balancer

镗缸机cylinder boring machine

气缸珩磨机cylinder honing machine

直线镗削机line borer

气门修整机valve reseater

活塞)销孔珩磨机pinhole honer

曲轴磨床crankshaft grinding machine

气门研磨机valve grinding machine

气门面磨光机valve refacer

气门座磨光机valve seat grinder

气门座偏心磨光机eccentric valve seat grinder

研磨机lapping machine

电子点火试验器electronic ignition tester

点火线圈试验器ignition coil tester

氖管火花试验器neon spark tester

电容器试验器condenser tester

电枢试验器armature tester

制动盘专用车床disc lathe

制动蹄片磨削装置brake shoe grinder

制动鼓车床brake drum lathe

制动液自动更换装置brake flusher

液压)制动系空气排除器brake bleeder

汽车维护vehicle maintenance

汽车修理vehicle repair

汽车维修制度system of vehicle maintenance and repair

汽车维修性maintainability of vehicle

汽车技术状况technical condition of vehicle

汽车完好技术状况good condition of vehicle

汽车不良状况bad condition of vehicle

汽车工作能力working ability of vehicle

汽车技术状况参数parameters for technical condition of vehicle

汽车极限技术状况limiting condition of vehicle

汽车技术状况变化规律regularity for change of technical condition of vehicle

运行缺陷operational defect

制造缺陷manufacturing defect

设计缺陷design defect

事故性缺陷accidental defect

汽车耗损vehicle wear-out

汽车零件磨损wear of vehicle part

磨损过程wear process

正常磨损normal wear

极限磨损limiting wear

允许磨损permissible wear

磨损率wear rate

机械磨损mechanical wear

化学损耗chemical wear

热磨损thermic wear

疲劳磨损fatigue wear

腐蚀性磨损corrosion wear

故障磨损failure wear





2010-3-14 13:38:00 | by: warcraft ]












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block 气缸体。liner 气缸套。head 气缸盖。head gasket 气缸盖垫。head fasteners 气缸盖螺栓。head cover gasket 气缸盖罩衬垫。head cover 气缸盖罩。活塞。pin 活塞销。ring set 活塞环组。曲轴。bearing 曲轴轴瓦。凸...


degrees celsius 摄氏度。degrees fahrenheit 华氏度。neutral position 空档。oxygen 氧气。two wheel drive 两轮驱动。four wheel drive 四轮驱动。four wheel steering 四轮转向。a post,a ...