
发布 2022-09-08 03:50:28 阅读 4977



is the other name for xi’an in ancient times? seven ancient capital cities in china?

do you know about athens, cairo and rome?

are some of the most famous tourist attractions in xi’an?

serve as(work as)充当。

so far(until now; up to this point)到目前为止so far so good到目前为止,一切都很顺利。fall into(be divisible into分成)兵马俑秦始皇陵碑林。



take shape(to develop and become more complete or organized)成形,有了模样长安the eternal city

黄河流域文明yellow river basin civilization

世界四大文明古都world’s four major ancient civilization capitals石碑石刻stone steles and stone carvings兵马俑terra cotta warriors and horses碑林the stele forest

大(小)雁塔big / small wild goose pagoda钟楼bell tower

华清池huaqing hot springs

拥有…年的历史h**e a history of (more than)享有与…同样的声誉enjoy equal fame wit**化遗产cultural heritage

分为…(5个类型)fall into (5 categories)观光(旅游)景点tourist attractions成形take shape



2.tourist attractions3.city flower4.unesco

5.world heritage list

6.the four grottoes in china7.be located in8.consist of

9.be suitable for适合的。

10.take advantage of sth/sb (a)充分利用: (b)利用,欺骗(贬义)11.位于be located in

12.黄河中游the middle reaches of the yellow river13.由…组成consist of14.城区city proper

15.给…留下了le**e… with

16.丰富的文化遗产rich cultural heritage17.境内外游客domestic and inbound tourist18.在国家保护下under state protection19.宝库treasure house20.石碑stone tablet

21.展示…特征display the feature of

22.中国佛教的摇篮the cradle of chinese buddhism23.自然景观natural scenic spots

24.温和的气温和湿度moderate temperature and humidity25.非常适合…be highly suitable for…26.(花朵)盛开in full blossom27.牡丹节a peony fair

28.迷人的芳香charming fragrance29.中国中部the central part of china

chinese population

account for (数量、比例上)占;解释,说明澳门特别行政区人口密度黄河上游东北平原长江珠江。

account forimplement

使生效;执行;实施;贯彻put (sth) into effect; carry out执行决议to implementdecisions执行政策to implement policies实施改革to implementreforms占。。。比例人口密度。



terms of territory, where does china rank in the world? was the one-child policy introduced in china? was the policy created?

are the differences between rural fertility and urban fertility? the effects of the one-child policy on china.

are some of the biggest challenges in terms of demographics in china right now? does china rank in terms of population in the world? province boasts the largest population?

problems do you think in our daily life are caused by the large population?


do most of the population of china live?

did china boast a history of comparably large population? is the harmfulness of a booming population? do most of the population of china live?

did china boast a history of comparably large population? is the harmfulness of a booming population?

fifty-six ethnic groups in china

are the basic requirements of family planning?

what is the aim of china’s family planning policy?

what about the change in the population reproduction type?do minorities h**e the same population control policy?

which is the largest ethnic minority? where do they mainly distribute?


what are china’s basic principles in managingrelations among ethnic groups?what are the 5 autonomous regions in china?

what is considered the main body of chinese culture?which is the largest ethnic group in the world?

which is the largest ethnic minority? where do they mainly distribute?

which is the largest ethnic minority? what is the population of ethnic zhuang?what are china’s basic principles in managing relations among ethnic groups?

what are the 5 autonomous regions in china?

构成或组成make sth up

坚持,遵守遵循adhere to sth56个民族充当作为主体工作语言军事自然科学边界地区适应,响应坚持宗教自由互助基本原则。


ethnic group民族。

serve as (home) to作为;可当……使用make up组成;弥补;和解ethnic minority少数民族border area边界地带in response to相应,适应。

make effort to do尽力、全力以赴做某事preferential policy特惠政策。

mt. huangshan

1.what is wuyue?

2.what are the four wonders of mt huangshan?3.where is mt. huangshan located?

4.whom was mt. huangshan named after?

5.what are the five mountains of wuyue? and where are they located respectively?6.what are the four wonder of huangshan?



14.on the verge of…(濒临于……,接近于……)15.endemic (in/to)地方性的;(某地或某集体中)特有的16.d**id’s deer麋鹿。




24.oddly shaped pines25.grotesque rocks26.sea of clouds27.hot springs




lu shan

quite a sight一大亮点building complex建筑群。

be densely packed together密集地挤在一起pleasing to the eye赏心悦目玉带海平面。





where is mt. lushan?what titles does it h**e?

why it is said that “the beauty of mt. lushan is beyond all praise”?what makes it a world wonder?

what are quite sight on lushan? say something about did mt. lushan take its name?

whose famous visit made mt. lushanpopular?and what’s the title of his essay?

there is a famous poem about the waterfall ofmt. lushan. could you recite?

list two historic relics of lushan and explain them.


there be句型。1 therebe句型主要用以表达 某处 某时 有某人 某物 其基本结构为 therebe 某物 某人 某地 某时 其中there是引导词,没有词义 主语是be后面的名词,be是谓语动词,在一般现在时中be只用is和are两种形式。下面这首歌诀可帮你巧记there be句型结构...


一。so such与不定冠词的使用。与不定冠词a an连用,结构为 so 形容词 a an 名词 如 he is so funny a has so big a house.与不定冠词a an连用,结构为 such a an 形容词 名词 如 it is such a nice day.that w...


unit 2 friends and colours 一 my friend this is wang hong 这是王红。she s my friend.她是我的朋友。nice to meet you.见到你很高兴 nice to meet you too.见到你也很高兴。二 open and c...