酒店英语教程 登记入住

发布 2022-09-08 02:43:28 阅读 6102


unit 3 reception登记入住经典对话。

c=front office clerk前台服务员g=guest顾客c: good afternoon. welcome to xx hotel.

may i help you?下午好!欢迎光临xx酒店。

能为您效劳吗?g: yes, i’d like check-in, please.


c: certainly, sir. may i h**e your name, please?


i’m lawrence brown.我叫劳伦斯布朗。

c: do you h**e reservation with us. mr.


yes, from tonight.


c: just a moment please. i’ll check our reservation record.

(after a while)thank you for waiting, mr. brown. your reservation is for a twin frommarch 5th to 7th for three nights.

is that right?


g: exactly.对。

c: could you fill out the registration form, please?请填写这张登记表好吗?

g: fine (fill the form)好的(填写**)

c: how would you like to make payment?您打算如何付款呢?

g: by american express card.用美国运通信用卡。

c: may i take a print of the card, please?请让我划印一下你的卡,好吗?

g: sure, here you are.好的,给你。

c:thank you, mr. brown.

your room number is 2809. that’s on the 8thfloor. a bellman will show you the room.

please enjoy your stay.谢谢您,布朗先生。您的房间是9楼的2809号房,服务员会带您过去,希望您住得愉快。


1)you can just skip that, and i’ll fill it in for you later on.

你可以先不填这一项,我待会儿帮您补上。2)please sign at the bottom on the right hand side.请在右下角签名。

3)may i see some identifications?我能看看您的身份证件吗?

4)how would you like to make payment/settle your bill?您打算如何付款呢?

5)in cash/by credit card/by tr**eler’s check.

前厅服务英语 登记入店

c thank you here is your key.it s room 808 on the eighth floor.g thank you very much,good night.c.clerk good evening,madam.can i help you?guest can i ...


酒店入住。1.please help carry my luggage to my room.请帮我把行李送到房间。luggage lgd 行李。2.here is the tip for you.这是给您的小费。3.where is the light switch?电灯开关在哪?light sw...


酒店入住。1.please help carry my luggage to my room.请帮我把行李送到房间。luggage lgd 行李。2.here is the tip for you.这是给您的小费。3.where is the light switch?电灯开关在哪?light sw...