
发布 2022-09-07 18:26:28 阅读 7555




第一组。 d )1 --what do we do in the evenings?我们做什么的晚上。

e )2 --how many people are there in your family?

a )3 --what is your mother’s job?

b )4 --what sports do you go in for now?

c )5 --why do you like playing football?

a) she is a nurse.他是一个**。

b) i play tennis.我打网球。

c) because i find it exciting.因为我很激动。

d) we cook over the camp fire, sing sons and tell stories. 我们做了篝火,唱歌和讲故事的儿子。

e) 6 people. 6人。

第二组。 c )6 --excuse me, how can i get to the hospital?对不起,我怎样才能到医院。

e )7 --what is your f**ourite subject? 你最喜欢的科目是什么。

a )8 --what do you do in your spare time? 空闲时间你干什么。

b )9 --how are you?你好。

d )10 --can i speak to dr. wang? 我可以和王博士。

a)i like listening to music. 我喜欢听**。

b)fine. thanks. 好极了。谢谢。

c)go straight down the street, turn right and then turn left. 沿着这条街直走,右转,然后左转。

d)speaking, please. 说,请。



第一组。1 it was late at night. i saw a man walkingthe street.

2his hard work, he becomes a top student.

3 parentsthe house and look after the children.

4 football is agame among young man.

5 it’sin spring and autumn.

它是深夜。我看到一个男人走__ along __沿___街。

2 as a result of _由于___他的努力,他成为一个顶尖的学生。

3的父母__ take care of _照顾___房子和照顾孩子。

4个足球是一个_ popular __流行的___游戏中的年轻人。

5这是_ cool __凉快___在春天和秋天。

第二组。1 two studentsin the exam.

2 i h**eto take a few elective classes(选修课).

3 every of ushim, went to see a film.

4 bill gates goton january 1, 1994.

5 i don’tthat the chair is 100 years old.


2我___decide决定 __采取一些选修课(选修课)。


4比尔盖茨___married __结分___2023年1月1日。

5我不___believe _相信___椅子是100岁。



)1 rose asked me if i minded __a__ open) the door for her.

用动词正确的形式) (a)opening (b)to open

)2 thank you for __come) to see me. 谢谢你__a__(来)来见我。

用动词正确的形式)(a)coming (b)come

)3 i saw her b___dance) happily in the classroom.

用动词正确的形式)(a)to dance (b)dancing

)4 i told them b___do) more exercises.

用动词正确的形式)(a)to do (b)do

)5_ lives next t he is the man __b__he door.

用正确的关系代词) (a)which (b)that

)6 that is the reason __a__ he is not here.

用正确的关系副词) (a)when (b)why

)7 running is good to our health b___

选择正确词序)(a)in many ways (b)many in ways

a )8 以下哪句是正确的定语从句?

(a) he is a wise man which we can learn a lot from.

b) he is a wise man from whom we can learn a lot.

b )9 i’m glad __your mother.

选择动词不定式的正确形式)(a)to h**e seen (b)to see

a )10 he started __early __he was the first one to get there.

(选择正确的连词)(a)so…that… (b) such…that…


1 he is a wise man.

we can learn a lot from him.


he is a clever man, we can learn a lot from him

2 does the tv work well?

you bought the tv last month.


3 rose felt saddo) that.


4 i saw himle**e) in a car.


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