
发布 2022-08-18 10:49:28 阅读 2634


section b (3a—self check)

learning goals:


1. on an exchange program supposed to do excited about… sb. some suggestions and advice about… out with… forward to doing… up worth doing… 9.

in different situations on 11. make sb.+ adj.

+adj. +to do sth.


1. talk about different customs at home and abroad.

2 能运用所学语言知识及be supposed to do 句型来谈论中西方文化和风俗习惯。


能让学生有意识的运用“be supposed to do/ it’s polite to do…”这一目标语言,谈论中西方文化和风俗习惯。 同时还启发了学生从所学的目标篇章中吸取供模仿写作的句型和表达,进而提高自己的写作能力。



设计意图】目标引领,表述了本节课的知识、能力和情感目标。尤其突出对写作能力的要求和培养, 做到有的放矢,增强课堂学习的针对性和时效性。

teaching and learning steps

step1. pre-writing activities

1. review

.please translate the following sentences into english .

1) 他们尽最大努力使我感到宾至如归。

2) 我最大的挑战是学习如何在餐桌旁举止得体。

3) 我发现记住一切很困难。

4) 除了面包之外,你不应该用手吃任何东西,甚至水果也不行。


.fill in the blanks according to 3a of section a and 2b of section b.

ih**e) a great time on my student exchange program in france. i was a bit nervous __i arrived here, but there was no reasonbe).

you wouldn’t believe how quickly my frenchimprove) because of that. i’m very fortablespeak) french now. although i still make lots of mistakes, itnot worry) me as it used to.

you’re not supposed __put) your bread on your plate. you’re supposed to put it on the table! ithink) that was pretty strange at first, but now iuse) it.

you’re not supposed to __put) your elbows on the table. i h**e to say that i find it difficultremember) everything , but i’m graduallyget use) it.

【设计意图】复习3a, 2b课文的重点句子和课文的重点段落的掌握情况,既检查了作业又为下面的写作做好语言储备。

2. preview

. 短语互译(p79-80)

1.一个交换生项目2. go out with

3.应该做某事4. show up

5. 对……感到兴奋6. basic table manners

7.关于……给你一些意见和建议8. be worth doing

9.期盼做某事10. in different situations

ii. 句型展示(p80)

1. 当你在餐桌吃饭时,把筷子插进你的食物里是不礼貌的。

when you’re eating at the table, it’s impolite to

2. 在我们的家,你应该对老人讲话有礼貌。

in our house, you’re supposed to

3. 你不应该用筷子指向任何人。

you’re not supposed to

4. 当你和人们一起外出时,你不应该在沿街步行的时候吃或喝。

when you go out with people, you should

5. 一路平安,我期待着尽快见到你!

h**e a safe trip, and iyou soon!


3. warming up and leading in

1.) t: boys and girls, there are many manners at home and abroad.

do you know some of them?

ss: sure.

t: what are they in china ?

s1: you should shake hands when you meet someone for the first time.

s2: you’re supposed to let old people eat first at the table.

s3: it’s impolite to point at anyone with your chopsticks.

s4:…t: well done!

thank you. now let’s discuss them in groups using the map mind. then one of you gives a report .

at last let’s e to 3a.(e on!)

2. give a report:

s1: when you’re eating at the table, it’s impolite to stick your chopsticks into your food.

s2: in our house, you’re supposed to speak to old people politely. you’re not supposed to point at anyone with your chopsticks.

s3: when you go out with your friends or other people, you shouldn’t eat or drink while walking down the street.


step2. while-writing activities.


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