
发布 2022-08-17 23:53:28 阅读 7971

unit5do you want to watch a game show?




5.期望做某事 a discussion about7.全世界 pair of

80 years ago10.乔装打扮。





don’t mindsit) here to wait for do you think ofvisit)beijing?

teacher often tells us to read someeducation) )a lot of news on tv every day.

don’t like the soap operas bacause i think they aremeaning). mightcome ) to visit you this afternoon.

news in yesterday’s news*****be) wonderful.

cartoon is not so******) as little mickey hopewatch)the action movie one a doctor at the age of 20.


is __exciting comes from___old chinese

don't mindyou with your magazineevery monday.

up himthere.

sit,to sit, stand5he made 87 cartoons with mickey.

the 1930sc,in the the mouse was the first cartoon___sound and of

saw twoan apple when i came by(经过)。

a.mice, always tries to face any___and met

should eat many fruitsapples and wang didn’t come,so mrs wang

a,took him placebtook his of him.


do you think of this movie?(同义句)

do youthis movie? lie likes sports shows.(改为否定句)

ju liesports showed me her new photos.(同义句)sheher new photosme.

father doesn’t mind game show.(就划线部分提问)

his fathergame show? sings more baeutifully than the other students in her class.(同义句)mary singsin her had a discusssion in class today.

(就划线部分提问you __in class today? book is not as interesting as that one. (同义句)

this book isthis one.六.根据汉语提示完成下面句子,每空一词。1.我希望有一天成为一名英语老师。

i hopean english2.我们都认识那位大眼睛的女孩。

we all know that girl3.我爸爸希望了解世界上正发生着什么事。

myfatherhopestowhat’sthe world.


tvshows___news and talk shows.5.最后我妹妹代替我干了家务活。

my sisterto do the housework at last.


八年级语文下册第五单元测验。姓名班级分数。一 基础知识 34 1.给加点字注音。10分 湍鸢戾食马容臭 骈粟缊 绮户衾 2 你知道下列加点词在句中的意思吗?请解释出来。10分 造饮辄尽俟其。或置酒而招之食之不能尽其材 互相轩邈若人之俦 猛浪若奔腰白玉之环。且欲与常马等不可得执策而临之。3 根据课文填...


一 判断正误 正确的填a,错误的填b 1 青少年的主要任务是在学校学习知识,参加社会实践是长大以后的事。2 谦让是形成和谐的社会秩序 文明的社会风气不可缺少的道德规范。3 具有强烈的集体荣誉感是维护集体荣誉和利益的最高表现。4 帮助别人只要出于好心就行,不用考虑方式与结果。5 一个人的能力有大小,但...


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