
发布 2022-08-11 03:57:28 阅读 1692







1. 去操场(翻译2. cheap( 反义词。

3. let’s(完全形式) 4. sun( 形容词) 5. they(宾格。

6. tomato(复数) 7. one(序数词) 8. baby(复数)

9. h**e(单三形式) not(缩写) 原形)




)1. a. thirty b. fifty c. ninety d. today

)2. a. jeans b. socks c. book d. shoes

)3. a. rainy b. windy c. cloud d. sunny

)4. a. potato b. carrot c. fresh d. onion

)5. a. hen b. goat c. lamb d. door

)6. a. apple b. big c. pear d. orange

)7. a. him b. they c. them d. her

)8. a. second b. four c. first d. third

)9. a. warm b. hot c. rabbit d. cold

)10. a. apple b. orange c. grandpa d. pear


) the classroom.

) 2. putyour raincoat.

a .on b .to c .up

) sheep __there in the picture!?

a. many, is b.much, is cmany, are d. much ,are

)4. what are thesetomatoes.

a. it’s b. that’s c. these are d. they are

)5. what food do you like to eat

a. sheep b. hens c. some potatoes d. i’d like to eat.

) name ?_her name is chen jie.

a. she b. her c. his d. he.

( )7. i want a pair of sneakers __my son.

a. to b. for c .in d. of

( )8. i want two___ten___and an___

a. apples; oranges ;bananas b. oranges ; bananas ;apples

c. oranges; apples; banana d. bananas; apples; orange

) red dress is sixteen yuan. it’s __i’ll take it.

a. colourful b. cheap c .expensive d. very big

)10. i __li lei___pants.

a. like; likes likes

五、读一读将右栏前的序号写在相应问句前的括号内 。(10分)

(ab) ) time is ita. it’s on the second floor.

) they goatsb. yes, you can.

) is this t-shirtc. it’s eight o’clock

) is the music roomd. it’s amy’s.

) 5. can i wear my new shirt today? e. yes,they are.

) many shirts are there on the bed ? f. it's sunny and warm.

) are theyg. yes, she is.

) your teacher in the classroom ? h. there are two

) the weather like therei. it is pink.

)10. what colour is his jacketj. they are books


1. many are how sheep there (

2. what’s weather the in like beijing (

3. farm this so is big (

4. in the picture do what you see (

5. tomorrow will be warm it (


1. how many horse are there? _

2. what is these? _

3. are those tomato? _

4. i don’t like potapos. _

5. i can see jacky shoes. _

6. these is my jeans. _

7. my pants is red. _

8. whose shoes is these? _

9. put on you skirt. _

10 .where are your english book? _


1. this is a sheep.(改为复数句)


2017 2018 上 四年级英语第一次月考试卷。1 书法展吧!将下列句子以手写体的形式书写在四线格中。6分 an english book,a chinese book and three storybooks in my schoolbag.let s clean the classroom.2...


2010年下期小学四年级英语第一次月考试卷。时量 60分钟分值 100分姓名。听力部分 29分 一 听和写。写出括号里你所听到的字母。每小题3分,共12分 1.fl2m 3.m 二 把你听到的单词用 画出来。每小题2,共8分 5.brother sister 6.biscuit big 7.naug...


一 试卷评析。本次考试的题型以 新课标 的技能标准为标准,以教材涉及的基础知识为主要测试内容,较好地体现了小学阶段的教与学的特色。笔试部分的试题分为单项选择 读一读,连一连 连词成句 根据要求写出下列单词的正确形式 整套试题题型多样 信息量大 涉及面广,且紧扣教材内容。总之,本套英语试卷试题难易程度...