
发布 2022-08-09 04:19:28 阅读 6886

【教师助手,学生帮手,家长朋友,unit6 do you like bananas?单元练习。


听力部分 (20分)

. 听对话,选择与对话内容相关的**。每段对话读两遍。 (5分)

ⅷ.根据所听句子,选出合适的应答语。每个句子读一遍。 (5分)

6. a. yes, they do. b. yes, she does. c. yes, i do.

7. a. they're on the table. b. they are red. c. they are healthy.

8. a. hamburgers. b. tomatoes. c. pears.

9. a. i like it. b. my sister likes them. c. that sounds good.

10. a. chicken. b. soccer. c. relaxing.

ⅷ. 听对话及问题,选择正确的答案。对话读两遍。 (5分)

11. a. no, i don't. b. no, she doesn't. c. a hamburger.

12. a. no, she doesn't. b. yes, she likes. c. yes, she does.

13. a. yes, she does.

b. no, she doesn't.

c. she likes french fries.

14. a. ice-cream. b. salad. c. ice-cream and salad.

15. a. she likes hamburgers, french fries and tomatoes.

b. she likes chicken, french fries and tomatoes.

c. she likes french fries, tomatoes and bananas.

ⅷ. 听短文,完成**。短文读两遍。 (5分)


21. his cousin often has french fries, tomatoes andfor dinner.

a. chicken b. a chicken c. the chicken d. chickens

22. -what do you h**e for breakfast?

---i usually h**eand

a. bread; noodles b. breads; noodles

c. breads; noodle d. bread; noodle

23. bob likesbut i don't like

a. salad; they b. salad; it c. salads; it d. salads; them

24. let'ssomeand bread.

a. buy; potatos b. to buy; potato

c. buy; potatoes d. buying; potatos

25. -how manywould you like?


a. bananaes b. tomatoes c. carrotes d. tomatos

26. maria likes thrillers but shecomedies.

a. not like b. likes c. doesn't like d. like

27. shebananas.

a. don't like b. isn't like c. doesn't like d. not liking

28your brotherfruit?

---yes, very much.

a. is; like b. does; like c. do; likes d. does; likes

29jima new phone?

---yes. he likes it very much.

a. does; has b. do; h**e c. does; h**e d. does; like

30. my mothernoodles, but my father

a. likes; does b. don't like; do

c. doesn't like; does d. didn't like; do


31. broccoli and carrots are vi like to eat them.

32. i got a pet parrot as a birthday present on my sixteenth b

33. if you want to stay hyou should often move your body.

34. do you wa big bed or a small one for your son?

35. i get up at 6:00 in the morning and h**e bat 6:30.

36. liu xiang is my f**ourite sports s

37. most of the students h**e lat school.

38. good eating h习惯) can help us to study better.

39. ice-cream is not healthy food, but i rlike it.

40. d**id is good at singing. so he wto be a singer.


41. the little boy always asks me many问题).

42. good studying习惯) help me get good grades.

43. it's good for us to eat健康的) food.


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