
发布 2022-07-22 11:31:28 阅读 2221

一。在下面的四线三格内写出所给字母的大写或小写形式。(6)b k h j n z

二、把相应的大小写字母连起来。(5分)d e g y qg d y q e

三、在四线三格内写出所给单词,注意手写体与印刷体的区别。(10分)hand leg milk sister dad

四、请找出不同类的单词,将其序号填入前边括号里。(10)( 1. a.

monkey b. short c. long( )2.

a. eye b. small c.

ear( )3. a. seven b.

two c. tail( )4. a.

mr c. usa( )5.

) 6. )7. )8. c. fat( )9.

五、读一读,选出画线单词的正确意思,将其序号填入题前括号。(12)( 1. he is my brother.


哥哥( )a cat. a.猫b.


) is my family. a.朋友b.

学生c.家庭( )has a short tail. a.

胖的b.短的c.长的( )here, children.


快走( )giraffe is so tall. a.矮的b.


六、选出下列句子的正确翻译。(10)( am from the uk. a.让你的眼睛变小。( is a new student. b.我来自英国。

) is my father. c.它有一个长尾巴和一对大眼睛。

( has a long tail and big eyes. d.她是一个新学生。

( your eyes small. e.他是我的爸爸。


) are you from? a. i am from china.

( at the giraffe. b. he is my father.

( is that man? c. it is so tall.

) is my friend, amy. d. no, she isn’t.

( she your mother? e. nice to see you, amy.

八、选择题,将正确选项的序号写在括号里。(15)( 1.对班上来的新同学表示欢迎,你要说___b.

thank you.

) 2. john来自美国,他自我介绍时该说___

am from the usa. am a chinese. is john.

) 3.当你对事情表示怀疑时,你可以说___

) 4.你怎样向你父亲介绍自己的朋友amy?__a. this is my friend, amy. b. he is this woman is amy.

) 5.当你想询问**上的女人是谁时,可以问:__a.

who is this woman? b. who is this man?

c. she is my teacher.

) 6.“看看那只长猴子。”可以翻译为:__a. look at that giraffe. that look at that bear.

) 7.“它长得又高又大。”可翻译为:__

a. it is big and fat. b.

it is short and fat. c. it is tall and big.

( 8.“它有一个小脑袋。”可以翻译为:

__a. it has big eyes and long nose. b. it has a small head.

c. it has a thin body .(9. nice___meet b. at c. on

) h**e two new___a. pen b. friends c. so

) this is my father. _is c. she

)12. the elephant has a __b. short c. thin

) is that boy? he is my___b. brother c .

sister( )14.——is that woman?——she is my c.

how( )15. itso fat.

a. am b. is c. are


一。判断下列字母的小写是否相符,正确的写 不正确的打 10分 1.g g 2.b d 3.c s 4.d b 5.e e 6.f l 7.h f 8.k c 9.i a v 二。选出不同类的单词选项,将序号填入提前括号里。10分 1.2.3.b.book b.bag 8.brea...


下面你能看到五组分别被打乱顺序的问句和答句,请你重新搭配一下,把正确的答句的字母标号写在相应问句前的括号内。10分 1.how old are you?a.my name is chen jie.2.may i h e a look?b.me too 3.what s your name?c.sur...


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