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第25课时课题: unit 6 i like music that i can dance to 时间:

九年级学科:英语主备人: 郭朝阳备课组长:郭朝阳审核人:

section a (1a-2c)

学习目标:1. prefer v. 更喜欢;更喜爱 lyric n.(常pl.)歌词,抒情词句。

gentle adj. 轻柔的;柔和的。


i prefer music that has great lyrics.

i love music that i can sing along with.

i like music that isn’t loud.



知识链接:1. i prefer music that has great lyrics. 翻译为。


和关系副词when, where、关系词不仅起连接先行词和从句的作用,还在所引导的从句中做一定的成分。

eg : 1) i like music that i can dance to .先行词___关系代词___做从句的___

定语从句。2) carmen likes musicians who play different kinds pf music.


定语从句。3) rosa like music that’s quiet and gentle. 先行词关系代词做从句的___定语从句。

4) i like music that is not too loud. 先行词关系代词___


2. prefer = like……better

prefer…to…..like ……better than……后接___




prefer to ……rather than……宁可…….也不…….后接。


step 1 自主学习。


1.更喜欢;更喜爱 __2.歌词,抒情词句___3.轻柔的;柔和的。



step 2 合作学习。

1 完成 1a. read the instructions, point to the items and ask the students to work in pairs.

2. 1b. point out the three headings in the chart. then check the answer.

3 activity provides listening practice using the target language. ask the students to circle after listening.

4 and complete the sentences. then ask the students to write on the board.

step 3 巩固提升。

单项选择。 )1. i prefer noodles __dumplings.

a than b better than c to d of

)2. do you prefer bananas __apples? apples. i think.

a to b orc thand and

)3 do you know the man __is sitting behind nancy?(08中考)

a what b which c whod whom

( )4 i like the __who writes his own songs.

a music b musician c musicians d musics

( )5 i like music __i can dance to

a who b thatc howd when

( )6 tony prefers groups that __their own songs.

a write b writes c writing d to write

( )7 my parents prefer to stay at home rather than __to parties.

a go b going c goes d to go

( )8 the man __we visited yesterday is a famous doctor.

a which b what c whod when

( )9 which do you prefer, apples or bananasi like oranges.

a all b both c either d neither

反思:第26课时课题: unit 6 i like music that i can dance to 时间:

九年级学科:英语主备人: 郭朝阳备课组长:郭朝阳审核人:

section a (3a-4)

学习目标:1. 掌握单词v. dislike string 词组 remind…….of…….


重点,难点: 定语从句的用法。

学习过程:step 1 自主学习。


1.不喜欢2.心 ,内心3.细绳,线___


7.心弦。step 2 合作学习。

2. 3a. read jennifer’s cd review. then match the sentence parts.

3.3b. talk with your partner about a cd you listened to recently.

ask and answer the questions in 3a.

4. pairwork. complete this survey. hen find classmates who agree with you.

step 3 知识链接。

1. what’s the name of your f**orite cd? 你最喜欢的唱片的名字是什么?

what’s the name of……?表示。

eg. 这本书的名字是什么。

2. what does it remind you of ?它使你想起了什么?

remind 意为___常与___连用。remind sth意为。

remind do sth. 意为。

eg. 这张**使我想起了我的妈妈。



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