
发布 2022-08-07 01:37:28 阅读 4437


unit 1 what would you do?

/ millions of

2. give it / them to sb.

3. wh- +to do (不定式短语与宾语从句的转换)

if5. if 的用法


引导虚拟条件从句,用一般过去时,主句用 would / could + v.


afraid to do / be afraid of doing = be terrified of …/be afraid that

7. 词性转化

permit v. -permission n. confident adj.--confidence n..

energy n. -energetic adj. know v.--knowledge n. -knowledgeable adj

noise n.--noisy adj.--noisily adv. medicine n. -medical adj.

8. come up with = think up

9. would rather do than do / prefer to do rather than do

10. let sb. down = make sb disappointed

11. the rest of…作主语,谓语动词的数与of 后的名词数保持一致。

12. by accident

unit 2 it must belong to carla.


2. belong to sb. (无被动和进行时)

3. much too / too much

4. there be … doing…

5. pretend to do

6. not only … but also… 连接主语时, 谓语动词遵循“就近原则”

for sb. /pray to sb

8. not … until

unit 3 we’re trying to s**e the manatees!

1.表“某物多长/ 宽 / 高 / 深 / 重 / 远…”的句型。

sth. +be +数字 + 单位名词 (meter / kilometer /kilo/…)adj.(long, wide, tall / high, deep, he**y, away )

sth +be +数字 + 单位名词 (meter / kilometer /kilo/…)in + n.(length, width, height, depth, weight…)

against / for

3. provide sth for sb = provide sb with sth 为某人提供某物。

offer sb sth = offer sth to sb 为某人提供某物。

offer to do sth. 主动提出干某事。

4. urge sb. to

5. turn of / on / down /up

6. build / make… out of trash / old cans

7. be made of / from / in / by

8. set up (up 短语辨析)

9. cut down on= reduce (waste)

10. one of …

down on

12. help out

13. eating more natural food like fruit and vegetables, is much healthier than eating processed food like hamburgers.

14. topic: protect the environment

unit 4 when was it invented?

used to do = be used for doing

be used as / by

be / get used to doing

used to do

2. who were they invented by?

3. enough 的用法。

4. a chef called george crum

5. make a mistake = make mistakes

by mistake

6. bring / take / carry / fetch

7. in this way / by the way / on the way

8. it is believed / said / that…

9. the number of / a number of

10.系动词look, sound, smell, taste 等无被动;使役动词make, let, h**e和感官动词see, hear等,在变成被动语态时,后面动词前要加to.

well / sell out


14. break down

into / fall down


invent v. -invention, inventor n.

operate v. -operation, operator n.

salt n. -salty adj. please v. -pleasant / pleased adj.--pleasure n.

mix v. -mixture describe v. -description n.

unit 5 could you please tell me where the restrooms are?



3. on the fifth floor

4. go past the bank (past / through / across)

onunit 6 by the time i got outside, the bus had already left.

1.过去完成时的用法 (多与by…连用 ; 多用在主句是过去时的宾语从句中)

sth. +地点 / forget to do (doing)

off / go off / set off / take off / put off /…off 短语辨析)

4. happen / take place (无被动)

happen to dohappen to sb.

5. reach / get to / arrive in (at)

6. show up / stay up / get up (up短语辨析)

7. marry 的用法。

unit 7 you’re supposed to shake hands.

1. be supposed to do

2. it’s +adj. (for / of sb. )to do sth.

it difficult to do

all / first of all

unfamiliar to sb.

6. h**e a conversation with sb.

7. shake hands (with sb)

8. pick up

out of one’s way to do sth

unit 8 loud music makes me tense.

1. make sb feel at home (make的用法)

2. start / begin with

3. prevent / stop / keep … from doing sth

free5. 主语+feel / think / find / make +it + adj. +to do sth 句型。

6. keep out

7. at times = sometimes

sb to do sth

9. h**e sales

bad to worse


please的用法。1 please 为动词 使 高兴 它的形容词 a pleased 人作主语,且只能做表语。词组 be pleased with sb be pleased to do sth b pleasant 可作表语,但物作主语。也可作定语,放在名词的前面。i am to see a f...

仁爱版英语七 九年级考点

仁爱版英语考点。仁爱版英语七年级上册考点 unit 1 unit 4 教材回归考点过关 1.1 good morning afternoon evening night.2 hello.hi.3 how are you?i m great fine very well ok,thank you.an...


2008 2012年河池市中考九年级考点归类。1 请你选择 下列各小题的四个备选项中,只有一个最符合题意,每小题。2分,共18分 1 08年 2008年 下发了 关于限制生产销售使用塑料购物袋的通知 这一 限塑令 a.大大降低了人们的消费水平 b.有利于建设节能减排与环境友好型社会。c.影响了我国社...