
发布 2022-08-05 11:42:28 阅读 2270

八年级unit 4 why don’t you talk to your parents ?


一. 短语:







二. 句子。

1. 我昨晚熬夜学习到半夜因此我睡眠不足。

2. 你为什么不忘了这件事呢?

3. 他可以跟朋友聊聊这样的话他就可以道歉了。

三. 正确形式填空。


1i take the books out of the room? —no,you can’t.

2)you___speak english in english class.

3)__you please help me with my chinese?

4)if you go out at night,you___tell your parents.

5)i’m not sure if you __tell her the news.


(competeis coming next weel.

with others because everyone is special(特别的)。

famous after—school clubs h**e manyorganize)activities every year.

cousin has___nice)clothes than i do.

his father very happy.


borrowed my iphone 4 and hasn’t归还)it to me.

真正地)like jackie chan’s movie.

should交流)with their children.

浪费)water,the southwest part in china is lack of water .

should相处)well with others.

五. 单项选择。

1. it’s not polite __with others.


2. don’t eat __food in the bad __you.

much,with too,for much ,for

3. it’s raining would like to watch tv at home __playing soccer outside.

of of of

used to __when my parents were out,for i was afraid of being alone.

up them up them them them up

5. don’t worry!i’m sure you’ll __your classmates if you kind and friendly to them.

up with on well with with strict with

6. —the boy can speak both english and japanese __he is only ten.

—wow,what a clever boy!

7they may not succeed ,they will try their best.

8uncle li is oldhe is still at work.

c./ d./;so

9.though it was very late at night,the young man___

to study studying studying to study

10. please speak aloud __everyone can hear what you are saying.

that that to as to

11. usually,we don’t know how important something is __we love it.

soon as

12. last night the boy watched football and didn’t go to bed___twelve o’clock.


一. 单项选择。

) 26. the smith had a terrible fight last night.

) 27. greenpeace is an international organization which cares for “mother earth”.

) 28. if you are friendly, you can get on well with your classmates.

) 29. the clothes that she wears are always fashionable.

b. 从各题的a、b、c三个选项中选择正确的答案。(共17小题,每小题1分;计17分)

) 30. someone predicts that theremore pollution andclean water.

a. will be, fewerb. is going to be, less c. will h**e, less

) 31. usually it’s easy for someone who livesto feel

a. alone, lonelyb. lonely, happyc. alone, alone

) 32. if your brotherthe radio too loud, you could ask him to

a. plays, turn off itb. will play, turn it down c. plays, turn it down

) 33. you can’tjeans to the party. if youtoo casually, the teachers won’t let you in.

a. put on, wearb. wear, put onc. wear, dress

) 34. this morning, mrs. smithher mobile phone at home, so sheto call her mother.

a. forgot, forgotb. left, rememberedc. left, forgot

) 35. -i had an argument with my best friend last week. we h**en’t talked to each other for the whole weeki think you’d better

a. ask your parents for help b. h**e a bake salec. call him up and say sorry.


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