
发布 2022-08-01 12:03:28 阅读 8521





说明: 所有选择题答案必须填涂在答题卡内,否则答题无效)


. 听小对话,选择正确选项。对话读两遍。(5分) (works hardest?

) often did the woman go dancing when she was young?

a week. a week. a month. (kind of music does linda like?

a.rock music. music. music. (is the man going to tianjin?

friday. saturday. sunday. (does linda mean?

a. she likes going to the discos. b.

her neighbor often goes to the discos. c. she thinks her new neighbor is very noisy.

ⅱ听长对话,选择正确选项。对话对两遍。(5分) 听第一段对话,完成第11-12小题。

) was mary doing when mike called her?

a. she was reading.

b. she was listening to music. c. she was listening to the radio.

) kind of music does mary like best?

music. music. music. 听第二段对话,完成第13-15小题。 (dis tina call tom?

a. at 7:00 yesterday evening.

b. at 7:00 this morning.

c. at 7:00 yesterday morning.

(did tina do last night?

a. she visited a village. b.

she had a piano lesson. c. she went to a concert.

(was the concert held?

a. to help the poor people. help the sick children. b. to help the old people.

.听短文,选择正确选项。短文读两遍。(10分) (will he class go this weekend?

a. the city library. history museum. holiday gallery. (will they go there?

bus. bike. foot. (time will the visit start?

8:30. 9:00 am. 9:30 am.


石河子第五中学2014 2015学年第一学期期中考试卷。初三数学。一 填空题 每小题3分,共24分 1 下列图不是中心对称图形的是 ab c d 2 下列关于x的方程中,一定是一元二次方程的为 a ax2 bx c 0 b x2 2 x 3 2 c x2 3 x 5 0 d x2 1 0 3 把二次...


2014 2015学年度第一学期九年级上学期。思想品德期中测试卷。一 单项选择题 每小题2分,共40分 下列各题四个备选答案中,只有一个最符合题意的,请将该答案前的序号填入下面 内。1 下列与 千里眼 顺风耳 神话故事联系紧密的有 a 火车 轮船b 鸿雁传书 c 人造地球卫星与电报 d 神舟飞船。2...


c 第一颗氢弹 成功 d 东方红1号 发射成功。11.人口 资源 环境与发展问题,简称 a perd问题 b rped问题 c pred问题 d redp问题。12.下列全都属于可再生资源一组的是。a 矿产资源 土地资源 水资源b 煤矿资源 生物资源 土地资源。c 草场资源 铁矿资源 稀有金属资源 ...