
发布 2022-07-27 03:22:28 阅读 8658

unit 4 how do you get to school ?

一对话。基本句型:询问去某地的方式, 此话题谈论的是一般情况下的到校方式,所以用一般现在时态。

当句子中的主语是第三人称单数时,v. 要用第三人称单数形式,其他人称v. 用原形。


a: how do you get to school ?

b: i take the subway. /take the bus .

/take the train./take a car./take a boat.

/take a plane ./

take a ship ./take a taxi .

i ride my bike .

i walk .


a: how do they get to schoola: how do jenny and sally get to school ?

b: they walkb: they take a bus .

3. 问第三人称单数he 或she及回答: (单个的人也属于第三人称单数如: tom , your father)

a: how does he /she get to schoola: how does mary get to school ?

b: he /she takes the trainb: she takes the subway .

he /she rides his /her bikea: how does your brother get to school ?

he /she walksb: he walks .


1.你每天怎样到校的? 我坐公共汽车。





v. /v. 短语(在句子中作谓语) prep.


如:by bike

on a/one’s bike , by train = in a/the train

walkon foot 步行,走路。

ride a bike/ride one’s bikeby bike /on one’s bike 骑自行车。

take the subwayby subway /in(on) a subway 乘地铁。

take the trainby train . on a train 乘火车。

take the busby bus / on a (the ) bus 乘公共汽车。

take a taxiby taxi 坐计程车/打的。

take a carby car /in a car 乘小汽车。

take a planeby plane / by air 乘飞机。

take a boatby boat 乘船/乘小舟。

take a shipby ship 乘船。

以什么方式去某地时,应该用动词短语加to 再加地点名词。 地点是副词时省to

for example(例如):

i walk to school .=i go to school on foot .

v. 短语在句子中作谓语)

jim takes the bus to the train station .=jim goes to the train station by bus.

jim goes to the train station on the bus


1. he walks to the shop. hethe shop

take the subway to their workplace. theytheir workplace

mother goes to work by bike. my mother goes to work

gets to the bus stop on foot. .shethe bus stop.

to hong kong. by train. (对划线部分提问go to hong kong ?

lan goes home on foot. (对划线部分提问yang lan __home ?



ischool, heby __


lin feithe___station., thenschool


一) “到达” get to + 地点n.(地点为adv. 要省to)如:get home到家 get here到这儿那 arrive in +大地点 (国家、城市等)

at+小地点 (学校、车站、商店等)

reach + 地点n.

练习:到家half past five.

到达) tibet yesterday.

二) “花费”

花费(时间),必须是物做主语如:the bus ride usually takes about 25 minutes.

常用的固定句式:it takes sb. some time to do sth. 某人花费多少时间做某事。

i takes me 5 minutes to walk to school every day. 我每天花5分钟步行到学校。

it took him about half an hour to finish doing his homework..他花了大约半小时做完了作业。

it took her three hours to read the story book yesterday.昨天她花了3个小时看故事书。

练习:1. 我们每天花半小时读英语。

2. nike 周末要花两个小时练习钢琴。

3. it takes tina fifteen minutes to write the new words.(对划线部分提问)

4. it took him about half an hour to finish his homework.. 对划线部分提问)


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