
发布 2022-07-27 02:17:28 阅读 8342




a) 从以下方框内选出适当的单词完成句子,使句子意思通顺。每词限用一次。

science, wednesday, from, because, f**orite, useful, busy

1. —what’s yoursubject? —

2is the fourth day of a week.

3. —why do you like english? —because it’s

4. mr. yang is ourteacher.

5. we h**e chinesemonday to friday.

6. mike ishe has no time to watch tv.

7. alice doesn’t go to schoolshe is ill (生病了).

b) 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. what’s yoursister) f**orite subject?

2she) f**orite color is red.

3. thursday is thefive) day of a week.

4. i think history is aninterest) subject.

5. we h**e eightlesson) every day.

6. is thishe) notebook?

7. my scienceteach) is mr. wang.

8. linda like science, because it’suse).

c) 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。

1. janenot like) math. she thinks it’s difficult.

2. —whatbe) your mother’s f**orite colors? —red and blue.

3. peterh**e) art and music lessons in the afternoon.

4. we wantplay) computer games on saturday evening.


) 1. —is sally’s f**orite day friday

a. no, it isb. yes, he isc. yes, it isd. no, he isn’t

) 2. let methe new student to the classroom.

a. take b. takes c. to take d. taking

) 3. —do you like music

a. yes, it does. b. no, it isn’t.

c. yes, because it’s relaxing. d. no, you don’t.

) 4. we h**e mathmonday.

a. in b. on c. at d. /

) 5. i like mathit’s difficult for me.

a. but b. and c. or d. because

) 6. —what’s tom’s f**orite cityf**orite city is beijing.

a. its b. it’s c. his d. he

) 7does he like art? —because it’s interesting.

a. what b. why c. when d. where

) 8. miss gao is very stricther students.

a. inb. at c. on d. with

) 9. do you h**e historythe afternoon of monday.

a. in b. at c. on d. for

) 10. mr. chen teaches __math. we all likevery much.

a. us; him b. our; his c. us; his d. our; him

) 11. —whatdoes he like best? —football.

a. food b. subject c. color d. sport

) 12it’s monday.

a. what day is it today? b. what’s the time?

c. what’s the date today? d. is it monday today?

) 13. i don’t like biology. i think it’s

a. real boring b. really boring c. real funny d. really funny

) 14. after school, he does homework __an hour every day.

a. on b. at c. for d. in

) 15. the gameat 4:00 p. m.

a. finish b. finishes c. finishing d. to finish


1. 每周一下课后我们要开一小时的会。

class, we oftena meetingan hour on mondays.

2. 谁是你的科学老师?

your science teacher?

3. 他们星期五下午2:00上**课。

theymusic2:00friday afternoon.

4. 吉米喜欢和他的猫咪咪玩。

jimmy likes tohis cat, mimi.



1. ab: english is my f**orite subject.

2. ab: he likes art because it’s fun.

3. ab: my math teacher is mr green.

4. ab: her f**orite food is milk.

5. ab: i h**e art on monday and friday.


a. i like history best.

b. you like biology very much.

c. no, i’m not.

d. yes, i’m ok.

e. my f**orite subject is art.

f. so what’s your f**orite subject?

g. and you don’t like biology?


a: are you ok, helen?

b: 1 it’s friday and i h**e biology.

a: 2b: no, it’s boring.

a: 3b: oh, 4 because i like my history

teacher. how about you, ann?

a: 5b: why?

a: because i think art can make our life more beautiful.

答案:1. 2. 3. 4. 5.



) 1. what lesson do they h**e at 1:45 on wednesday?

a. physicsb. chemistryc. historyd. math

) 2. do they h**e lessons at 10:30 on thursday?

a. yes, they no, they don't.

c. we can't know from the timetable (课程表).

d. none of the above (以上答案都不对).

) 3. on friday, a physics lesson begins at

a. 10:30 1:45 3:00

) 4. they h**elessons e in a week.

a. 13.

) 5. how many kinds (种类) of lessons do they h**e in a week?

a. 6.七、书面表达。

请根据**提示,以“my f**orite”为题,写一篇50词左右的短文介绍一下你的最爱(说明原因)。可根据实际情况,灵活取舍**内容,适当发挥;短文开头部分已给出。

my f**oritedaysubjectcity (城市)foodsport…


my f**orite

do you want to make friends with me? do you want to know me more? i’m a happy boy/girl.

i like

unit 9

一、a) 1. f**orite 2. wednesday 3. useful 4. science 5. from 6. busy 7. because

b) 1. sister’s 2. her 3. fifth 4. interesting 5. lessons 6. his

7. teacher 8. useful

c) 1. doesn't like 2. are 3. has 4. to play

二、1—5 cacba 6—10 cbdca 11—15 dabcb

三、1. after; h**e; for 2. who is 3. h**e; at; on 4. play with

四、1. what's your f**orite subject?

2. why does he like art?

3. who is your math teacher?

4. what's her f**orite food?

5. when do you h**e art?

五、1—5 cgfae

六、1—5 abcdc

七、my f**orite

do you want to make friends with me? do you want to know me more? i’m a happy boy/girl.

i like tuesday best, because i can h**e music class on tuesday afternoon. music is my f**orite subject, it’s very relaxing. morning news is my f**orite tv show.

some people don’t like it, but i think it’s nice. qingdao is my f**orite city. because i think it’s very beautiful, and i like the sea very much.

i hope i can go there one day.


姓名得分。一 积累和应用 53分 1.填空 34分 璀c n镶qi n梦m i 以求 mi o 准。花hu心旷神ylu n 生。1 知人者智2患不知人也。3 前事不忘4一致而百虑。5 乱入池中看不见6 多谢浣纱人未折。7 在这四年里我咬紧了牙,哼都不哼一声。8 金猴奋起千钧棒9 无情有恨人未觉。2 ...


一 单项选择题。1 在画有指向标的地图上,指向标的箭头是。a.北方 b.南方 c.西方 d.东方。2 下列比例尺中最大的是。a.图上1厘米表示实际距离10千米。b.1 100000000 c.一千万分之一。d.1 1000 3 下列四幅地图中,图幅大小相同,则比例尺最小的是。a.中国地图 b.亚洲地...


广安实验学校语文七年级下期末复习检测 第5 6单元 1 积累与运用43分 1 选择题 请将正确答案写在下面的方框里,每小题2分,共20分 1 下列加点的字注音全对的一项是 a 迸溅 b ng 忏悔 ch n 涉足 sh 盘虬卧龙 qi b 拯救 zh n 钦佩 q n 鲁莽 mang 忧心忡忡 ch...