
发布 2022-07-26 07:19:28 阅读 3529


module 2 education


)1.2017·东营___thescientists'hardwork,tianggongiiwaslaunched(发射) successfully.

a.as for b.thanks toc.instead of d.according to

)2.2017·德州theremustbelifeonotherplanetsthoughnonehas been discovered.

i agree with you. the universe is so large after my surprise b.to be honestc.in my opinion d.again and again

)3.—h**e you got anything to do this afternoon, lucy and lily?—yesof us are going to the home for the b.eitherc.both d.all

)4.2017·天水i h**e a bad coldis why i didn't go to b.thatc.these d.it


a.at b.inc.for d.on


)6.2016·东营how do you get on withlittle brother? i've just hada baby sister.

i'm worrying about it.

a. my b. hisc. her d. your

)7.2017·乐山—when shall we go hiking again?—make itday you like.

it's all the same to b.anyc.one

)8.2017·乐山—mikehassomedifficultyinfinishingthetaskby___could you help him?

no b.himselfc.his

)'t be afraid of ****** mistakesof us are perfect afterall.

a.none b.neitherc.each d.all

)10.2016·湘西—thereis___sgoandbuysome.—ok! let's little b. a littlec. few

) h**e two foreign teachers here. one is from england, andisfrom america.

a.another b.the otherc.other d.the others

)12.—do you knowthis dictionary belongs to?


let me see. oh, it'sa.who does; mineb.who; mec.whose; mined.who; mine

)13.2017·宿迁yourglovesshouldbemade___leather,fortheyfeelsoft and smooth.

a.in b.onc.for d.of

)14.2016·鄂州—thepopulationofchinaislargerthan___ofindia.—yes, but india's population is increasing it b.

onec. that d. this

)15.2016·资阳there is___wrong with tom's leg. we should sendhimto hospital at once.

a. something b. anythingc. everything d. nothing

)16.—do you h**e enough students to clean the laboratory?—no.

i think we need___b.two othersc.more two d.two more

)17.2016·潍坊hurry up! the movie will begin10 over b. inc. for d. at

) you know the girlis drawing a picture?a.whom b.whose


c.which d.who


of course, with b.ofc.from d.with

)20.2016·泰州—asanurse,herworkgoes___takingcareofherpatients.—yes, she always thinks of beyond b.

besidec. behind d. between

) new shopping mall will be openfive b.forc.from d.before

)'ll h**e dinner at qianxilong restaurant, which is famousitsfood.

a.of b.toc.for d.as

) couldn't do ityour great help. thanks a lot!a.with b.withoutc.for d.to

) wrotemy brother last saturday, but i h**en't heard __him up to now.

a.from; to b.to; ofc.to; to d.to; from

) are made*****, while ***** is mainly of b.from; from


c.of; from d.from; of

)26.2016·福州—sally is my best fiend. she is always there whenever i'm___

yeah. a friend in need is a friend in order b. in troublec. in public

)27.2017·随州—who lives together with your grandmothershe lives alone. i often go to see b.somebodyc.anybody d.everybody()28.

—is the film interesting?

i thought it would be. butit's very all b.in factc.in addition d.in future

)29. what a nice day! we should go sightseeingwatching tv in thehotel.

a.because of b.instead ofc.together with d.out of

) looks very smart and is alwayspink, because pink is herf**ourite colour.

a.with b.onc.about d.in

) weather in summer in dalian is cooler thanin b.thatc.it d.its

)32.—excuse me, is thisipad mini?


no, it isn'tis at mine b.your; myc.yours; my d.yours; mine

) sits behind me, so i the top of b.in the end ofc.in the middle of d.in front of

)34a terrible rainy night, many farmers' houses were b.forc.on d.at

)35.2016·鄂州—who looked after your sick grandmother in the hospital?—my father did thathe didn't want anybody else's in fact b.

in person

c. in total d. in disagreement



多亏了科学家们的努力,天宫二号成功发射。asfor意为“至于”;thanks to意为“多亏”;instead of意为“代替”;according to意为“根据”。由后句“天宫二号成功发射”可推知前句应表示“多亏了科学家们的努力”。



”“我同意,宇宙毕竟很大。”tomysurprise意为“令我惊奇的是”;tobehonest意为“说实话”;in my opinion意为“依我之见”;again and again意为“一次又一次地”,结合下文“i agree with you”可知上面纯属个人观点。故选c。





8.b考查代词的辨析。问句句意:“迈克独自完成这项任务有些困难。你能帮助他吗?”by oneself为固定搭配,意为“独自;单独”。故选b。


bemadein意为“在……制造”,后接制造的地点;b和c项无此搭配;be made of意为“由……制成”,后接制作的材料,leather为制作的原材料。故选d。


”“没人,她自己住。我经常去看望她。”结合下文的“she lives alone.



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