
发布 2022-07-23 14:09:28 阅读 1358

unit 7 what do people eat



lesson 57主要教学与“饮食”有关的一些词汇,并对食品进行分类,通过邀请用餐用语的练习来巩固所学知识。

lesson 58教学阅读课文,介绍不同国家的人民所喜好的食品,并通过对课文的问答练习“同意与不同意”的交际用语。

lesson 59包括两部分内容:总结简单句的五种基本句型,讨论中西方对待家庭观念的差异的两篇小短文,并继续练习“同意与不同意”的交际用语。

lesson 60主要是通过对话教学就餐用语,了解一些英国的传统食品,还有与食品有关的听力和写作练习。



如:a(two/ three..)bottle(s) of orange juice/water/ apple juice…a(two/ three…)glass(es)of milk/ tea/ water…a(two/ three…)piece(s)of bred/ duck…a(two/ three…)kilo(s) of apples/ onions…

口语训练。本单元的口语主要是would you like to…?could you…?

及help yourself to…。我们可以根据以前所学的内容结合本单元的教学实际,编制一些对话,让学生进行训练。如:

1. tom: it’s time for lunch.

are you hungry?lucy: yes, i am.

tom: would you like to h**e something?lucy: yes, please.

tom: what would you like?

lucy: i would like to h**e some rice, meat and some soup with eggs andtomatoes.

tom: here you are! please help yourself.

today is sunday. we are going to h**e some real english really? what is it?a: guess?

b: oh, fish and chips. my f**ourite food. may i h**e more, please?a: certainly.

b: how delicious!

a: would you like some more?b: no, thanks. i'm lull now.

a: if you h**e time, i would like to ask you to h**e some chinesefood—beijing duck next time.

b: oh, thanks a lot. i'm sure to come if you ask me next time.

人教版八年级下册英语复习 人教版

人教版新目标八年级下册英语复习资料。unit 1 1.people will h e robots in their homes.人们家里将会有机器人。will助动词,表单纯的未来。用于陈述句表 将 会 i will i ll be 15 next month.下个月我就15岁了。mr.green ...


人教版新目标八年级下册英语复习资料。unit 1 1.people will h e robots in their homes.人们家里将会有机器人。will助动词,表单纯的未来。用于陈述句表 将 会 i will i ll be 15 next month.下个月我就15岁了。mr.green ...

人教版八年级下册英语复习 人教版

人教版新目标八年级下册英语复习资料。unit 1 1.people will h e robots in their homes.人们家里将会有机器人。will助动词,表单纯的未来。用于陈述句表 将 会 i will i ll be 15 next month.下个月我就15岁了。mr.green ...