2019英语时尚口语 一

发布 2022-07-20 07:55:28 阅读 6327

停留】 字典里有很多定义,可是 "hiatus" [haets] 在日常生活上的意思就是:停留 / break(注意:不是 slang)。

after a 1 week hiatus, she is back using weibo 过了一个礼拜的停留,她又开始用微博了。a __week / day / year hiatus. i'm back from my short hiatus

适度饮酒】可以说:"drink in moderation" [mdren] 适度。这样说很正式也很成熟,比 don't drink so much 好听点(没有个酒鬼想听你叫他不要多喝),所以 in moderation。

也可以说 "drink moderately" smoke in moderation 适度抽烟。eat moderately。

关于年会】① 年会:annual dinner [njul] ②**:raffle [rfl] 或 employee raffle 或 lucky draw ③ **券:

raffle ticket。we will h**e an annual dinner with an employee raffle / a raffle / a lucky draw 我们年会会有**。what's 1st prize for your company's lucky draw?

路过冒泡】这种网上用语能翻成 "passing by", just passing by" 可是在美国不流行说。很人多跟我说是 just popping in to say hi - 这个比较像冒泡。冒泡在美国的网语里常见到的:

"just saying hi"。"just stopping by to say hi", just popping in to say hi" 都也行。图:


运动裤】 怎么说?sports pants?no.

地道的是 "sweatpants”。sweatpants 也是宅男宅女最爱在家穿的(不一定和运动有关)。简说:

“sweats”:are you playing tennis in your sweats 你穿运动裤打网球?don’t wear your sweatpants out on a date 不要约会时穿运动裤。

nice sweats!

非常清楚】"crystal clear" 水晶那样清楚。a: do you understand?

b: crystal clear。i'm crystal clear about it already 我已经很清楚了。

she's crystal clear about your situation 她非常清楚你的情况。老外喜欢用减缩的 crystal 回答(不可用在别处)。a:

got it 清楚了吗?b: crystal 非常。

闭嘴】嗯,嗯都听大家说 shut up 几百遍了,可以考虑换个说法:"can it" 闭上那个嘴巴的意思,用法跟 shut up 一模一样:can it!

(can是罐头的意思,叫你把你要说的话放在罐头里不要说出来)。i can't hear, can it 听不到,闭嘴!

咖啡粉】大家都知道咖啡豆是 coffee beans 可是粉怎么说?"grounds" 或 "powder"。coffee grounds / coffee powder 咖啡粉。

would you like coffee beans or coffee grounds? 怎么说磨好的咖啡:"ground coffee"。

i h**e some ground coffee for you to h**e 我有些磨好的咖啡粉给你。

我在处理】"on top of it" 一切在掌控之。这个口语词组意思可以为三大意思:① 恩,在处理 ② 盯着呢 ③ 好的(我去做)。

如问:did you call yet? 答:

① yes, i'm on top of it 有,在处理中 ② don't worry, i'm on top of it 别担心,我盯他呢 ③ sure, i'm on top of it 好的,我去做!

逃课不上班】口语:"play hooky"。注意这个用法,通常都是用进行时态 i am playing hooky 我在逃课/逃班。

i am playing hooky from work(这个句型最常见)。i am playing hooky today 今天逃课/班。 don't play hooky!

go to work!


用法如:a lightweight eater / drinker / singer 或者a lightweight at / when it comes to...she's a lightweight at eating.

he's a lightweight when it comes to drinking.

口水战】翻译为:"verbal battle" 在**里经常用的一个词。一般在日常生活里不太会听到,如:

john and ron are h**ing a verbal battle,我们会直接说 john and ron are "fighting"(吵架,口水战)。所以记得,**:verbal battle 生活中:

fighting。x is in a verbal battle with y.

骂】记得上次我教大家的 scold 吗?今天解释下一种口语说法:"chew somebody out" 用法:

i will chew him out 我会骂死他。my mom chewed me out 我妈骂了我(过去时事态)。还有种过去时事态用法,"chewed out":

i got chewed out 我被骂了 i was chewed out by my boss 我被老板骂了。

闭嘴,小声点(礼貌用语)】在正式的场合怎么叫别人安静或者说话小声点?① 请安静 quiet, please ② 保持安静 keep silent ③ 请小声 please lower your voice ④ 不要那么大声 not so loud。⑤ 不要说话(忍住)refrain [rfren] from speaking。

其实最好的方法是: shhh..(图)。

传达】近义词 ① convey:please convey the message to him 传达信息 ② relay: ok, i will relay it to him 传达给他 ③ transfer:

transfer my gift to her 礼物传达给她 ④ deliver: deliver these ideas to the boss 想法传达给老总。当然少不了口语:

"give sb sth",give her my message!

小便男士版】几种好玩的说法 ① piss": i need to piss / take a piss(最常见的) ②take a leak": i need to take a leak(固定词组)③ squeeze the lemon":

i'm going to go squeeze the lemon(固定词组)④ drain the pipe": going to drain the pipe。男士的好玩学法有太多,欢迎补充。

小便女士版】】几种好玩的说法:①"use the little girl's room":i need to use the little girl's room(最常见的) ②tinkle":

i need to tinkle(小孩子说的) ③go pee pee": i'm going to go pee pee ④ powder my nose": excuse me, i need to powder my nose(最礼貌)

有机会】有种说法是:"has/h**e a shot"。she has a shot 她有机会。

i h**e a shot at winning 我有机会赢。do you h**e a shot at winning the cash 你有机会赢那笔钱吗?感情上用 shot:

she has a shot with him 她跟他有可能。i don't h**e a shot with her 我跟她不可能的(她不喜欢我)。


that tv commercial blew my mind, haha! 贬义:坑爹的,我被摆地摊的人给骗了。

darn it. i got ripped off by the street vendor. 这工作不是明摆的坑爹么?

this task is a pain in the butt/ass.

流量】"data" **:data plan 用量:data usage。

流量快用完了怎么说?"i'm running out of data"(快没了)"i'm low on data"(很少)"i'm out of data"(没了)。my data usage per month is very high.

i use 5mbs of data each month. my data plan gives me a lot of data **给我很多流量。

此一时彼一时也】"that was then, this is now" 意思是以前是那样,现在变得不像以前。这句话经常在感情上实用(如《part of me》)。a:

i'm not in love with you anymore b: how come? a:

that was then, this is now. 也可以在平凡的事上用:kfc use to be cheap!

that was then, this is now.

心灵美食】"comfort food” 不知道具体怎么去解释这个词, 但是难受不高兴的时候吃的食物给出温温馨和爱的味道,就像老友记 rachel 和 monica 伤心时候吃冰淇淋,安慰自己。美国非常流行吃 comfort food,我相信中国也是。what's your comfort food?

hot pot? ice cream? chocolate?

fast food?


yoba 对啊。这是她们创造出来的语言,也是我最常听她们说的单字之一,基本上呢,yoba就是yes的意思,比如她们会说,do you like to go swimming with us?我就可以回常,yoba 但是这不是正式的英文,纯粹是好玩下的产物。2.bam chi ga bon bon.是...

生活时尚英语口语900句 Unit1清新茶馆

生活时尚英语口语900句 unit 1清新茶馆。第一部份新鲜生活。unit1 comfortable teahouse清新茶馆生活时尚英语口语900句 unit 1清新茶馆 you rather h e tea or coffeec?你要茶还是咖啡?you going to h e dessert?...


1 表示 空虚寂寞 可以用empty 例句 he looks into the void,feeling empty.他眼望着虚无,感到极度空虚。对了,形容这种空洞的眼神,还可以这样说 staring blankly。2 表示 不开心 例如我暗恋已久的男生约吃饭,但结果那天我要加班。this is ...