
发布 2022-07-17 18:59:28 阅读 7263

七下unit 9 section a (1a-2c)




of medium height and he___curly hair.

of b. has; has c. is; has d. has; is

english teacher is __of medium build ,and she has __short hair.

a b. the; the c. a;/ d./;

3he is of medium height."

a. what does he like b. how does he look like

c. what does he look like d. how does he like

father and his father __young.

a. looks like; looks like b. looks like; looks

c. looks; looks like d. looks; looks

are you goingtonight?

a. do b. to do c. doing d. to doing


1.你看起来像爸爸。youyour father.


---what___your father

---he isbuild, he hasand___glasses.


1. he has long curly hair.(变成否定句)

helong curly hair.

2. my f**orite actor is thin and of medium height.(提问画线部分)

your f**orite actor

七下unit 9 section b (3a-self-check)



一、单项选择 4’

1. can you tell me

a. what does the criminal look like b. what is the criminal like

c. what the criminal looks liked. what does the criminal like

2.each of us __an english name. a. has b. h**e c. is .d. are

3.please put the picture___the news*****. a. on b. at c. by d. in

4.mr. wang is a tall man __short black hair.

a. of b. has c. is d. with

5. what does she look like? she __long straight black hair.

a. is b. has c. h**e d. are

6. my father __glasses.

a. isn’t wear b. wear c. is wear d. wears

7. mike and tom __the cinema tomorrow.

a. goes to b. go to c. are going to d. are going

二、句型转换 3’

8. my friend has long hair and big eyes. (对划线部分提问。

___does your friend

is not tall or short. (改为同义句) sally is

does lily look like?( 用long curly hair做回答)

11. alice has a big nose.(用a small nose改为选择疑问句).

alice __a big nose___a small nose?

12. what is his cousin like?(改为同义句)

___does his cousin

七下unit 9 section b (1a-2c)




) friend like?

she is a quiet girl with long straight hair.

a. does b. is c. do d. are

( )hairlong and lilyshort hair.

a. is is b. has has c. is has d. has is

( )hasand

a. big eyes, a small nose b. big eyes, small nose

c. big eye , a small nose d. a big eye, small nose

( )wants to be a

a. actor b. actress c. sing d. singer

he has a long face and a small mouth.

a. what does the boy look like? b. what does the boy like?

c. what does the boy look? d. how does the boy like?


a: do youi h**e a new friend in wuhan?

b: what does she look

a: she has long straight

b: is she tall?

a: no, sheshe is ofheight.

b: i think i know her . her name is fang lintao.

七下unit 9 section a (2d-3c)




)1. you look like?

a. what do b. how do c. what are d. how are

)2.lucy has long hair.

a. a b. an c. /d. many

)3.she always a red dress(衣服).

a. wear b. puts on c. wears d. in

)4.she is good-looking, she’s a little bit quiet.

a. but b. and c. or d. so

) is tall brown hair.

a. has b. and c. with d. h**e


1. lucy looks lher sister lily.

2. her brother has a medium b

3. tom’s sister is a famous(著名的) a

4. jackie chan is my f**orite movie a

5. nancy is only 15 years old ,but she is over 120 kilogram(千克).


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