
发布 2022-07-09 17:45:28 阅读 9471

以下是无忧考网英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《初二八年级英语作文带翻译-我的未来my future》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站写作翻译频道。

hello, everyone! my name is yang fan. i am a student and i study at school now.

i like playing basketball and surfing on the internet. i go to school by bike every day. i often go to the country for my vacation.

i think i will change greatly in 15 years. then i will be a doctor. i will enjoy reading books.

i will go to work by car. i will go to europe to spend my holiday. i will make a lot of money.

i will h**e a beautiful building with garden. i think my life will be more interesting and wonderful in the future. i think it will come true if i work hard.







第二单元。6 阿长与 三海经 1 1 憎 2 惶 3 琐 4 诘 5 惮 6 拙 2 1 归规 2 侧测 3 霜孀 3 1 模仿细碎的说话声。2 依据情理,对出现的某种情况有可能原谅的所在。4 周树人朝花夕拾从百草园到三味书屋 5 为了写明 我 起先是若何会接近书籍的,若何会渴慕 山海经 的。6 表...


6 阿长与 三海经 1 1 憎 2 惶 3 琐 4 诘 5 惮 6 拙 2 1 归规 2 侧测 3 霜孀 3 1 模仿细碎的说话声。2 依据情理,对出现的某种情况有可能原谅的所在。4 周树人朝花夕拾从百草园到三味书屋 5 为了写明 我 起先是若何会接近书籍的,若何会渴慕 山海经 的。6 表现了 我 ...


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