新目标starter1 3基础练习作业

发布 2022-07-07 20:34:28 阅读 9063

starter unit 1-3 小结。


1.联合国2. (美国)全国篮球协会。

3. 激光唱片4.硬黑。

5. 不明飞行物6. 千克。

7. 中国**电视台8. 英国广播公司。

9. 停车10.大/中/小号。



1.__gg __2.__vv___3.__pp___

4.__jj___5. _tt___6.__ii___


( )1.it'sblack.it'sblack ruler.

a. /b.a;/ c./;a d.a;a

)2is that quilt?

it's black.

a. which color b.how color c.what color d.what's color

)3.一what's this?

一it'snn” and___mm”.

a.a, a b.an , an c.a , an d./

)4.what's that __english?

a.at b.to c.in d.on

)5.一what color is her jacket?

一it's __

a.an orange b.orange c.the orange d.a orange

)6. —what's this?

a map.

a. its b. this is c. that's d. it's

7.howyou? (am, is ,are)

8.whatthis in english? (am, is ,are)

9.what color is the pen? itred. (am, is ,are)

10.what's this? it'sorange. (a, an )

11. what's this? it's __jacket. (a, an )

12. it'senglish book. (a, an )





thank you c. hello d. bye-bye.

16. —hello, daleeric!

a. hi b. hello c. good morning d. ok

17. —spell it, please

a. bike b. b-i-k-e c. b-i-k-e d. bike

18.书写时占三格的字母是 .

a. f b. i c. g d. b

四、从b栏中找出与a栏中相应的答语,将其代号写在括号内 6

ab )1.good morning,class! a.it's green.

)2.hellob.fine.thank you.

)3.what color is itc.it's “m”

( )4.how are you,jim? d.hello!

)5.what's this in english? e.m---a --y.

)6.spell it,pleasef.good morning.

五、连词成句 (注意句首字母大写及句尾标点符号)。8

1) is, this , english , what, in

2) color, it , what , is

3) fine, i , thanks, am

4) it, spell, please


1) 这把尺子是绿色的。 the ruler

2)它是什么颜色is it?

3)这把钥匙是黑色的。 theis

4)那床被子是红色 theis




a.how are you? b. good evening!

c. what's this in english? d.

thanks . e. spell it, please.

f. what color is it?

a: good eveningb1

a: 2b: fine, 3

a: 4b: it's a quilt.

a: 5b: q-u-i-l-t.

a: 6 八、请从b栏中找出与a栏相匹配的答语,将其序号填入题前括号内。10

ab )1. how are youa. good evening, frank.

) evening, aliceb. hi

)3. what color is itc. it's m.

)4. what's this in english? d. it's red.

)5. helloe. i'm fine, thanks.

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