新目标九年级7 8单元基础知识测试

发布 2022-07-31 06:44:28 阅读 3367












9. translate(过去式复数)__


)1. my english teacher has a strange way of ****** his class and interesting.

a. boring b. convenient c. peaceful d. lively

) 2. linda is her mother in many ways. for example, they are both tall and thin.

a. similar to b. kind to c. friendly to d. different from

) 3. —would you love to gosure, i’d love to.

a. relaxing anythingb. anything relaxing

c. relaxing somewhered. somewhere relaxing

) 4.—i hear __students in your class like hiking on weekends.

—yes, you are right. exercise is good for us.

a. quite a bit b. a quite bit c. a few quite d. quite a few

)5 —h**e you ever been to qufu? —yes. i went there last year. it’s a very __place.

a. educational b. dangerous c. difficultd. delicious

) 6. i hope tina __to my birthday party next wednesday.

a. to come b. comec. came d. will come

) 7. i know a place we can h**e a good rest.

a. where b. whenc. whichd. that

)8. —i will go to kunming by plane for summer vacation next week

a. it’s nice of youb. i believe you can

c. h**e a great timed. it will be difficult

)9. —we’ll h**e a __holiday. what about going to the west lake? —sounds great.

a. two days b. two-day c. two-days d. two-days’

) 10. i will stay at home and watch tv if it __tomorrow.

a. rain b. rains c. rainedd. will rain

) 11. i’d like to join the school volunteer project, but i’m not sure __

a. what i should dob. what should i do

c. how i should dod. how should i do

) 12. he __some signs asking for old books.

a. put off b. put upc. put off d. put away

) 13. they look unhappy, let’s

a. cheer them up b. cheer up them c. to cheer them up d. to cheer up them

)13. i would like to sail __the pacific ocean one day.

a. through b. cross c. into d. across

)14. yellow river is one of __rivers in the world.

a. the longer b. longer c. the longest d. longest

)15. i like __about chinese history.

a. study b. know c. to study d. to knowing


learn 8 subjectsinclude) art and

want to go there, because i likeexcite) vacation.

chinese people are reallyfriend).

doesn’t h**e anybeach) there.

is also awonder)place for shopping.

6. i decide___visit)beijing next month.

7there are __thousand)of people in the mall on national day.

8. i h**e dreamed oftr**el) all over the world in the future.

9. thank you very much for __me to your party . invite)

10. the plan has to be put off __the he**y rain. (由于)


1. mr hu taught her maths last year.(改为一般疑问句)

___mr huher maths last year?

2. the foreign visitor comes from russia.(用australia完成选择疑问句)

the foreign visitor come from russia

3. he has already finished his homework.(改为否定句)

hefinished his homework

4. you'd better take it to your office.(改为否定句)

you'd betterit to your office.

5. i think you are right.(改为否定句)

ithink youright.

6. she isn't going to wash anything on sunday.(改为肯定句)

shegoing to washon sunday.



would you like to go __your next

2. 我希望有一天去游览夏威夷。

i hopehaiwaii one day.



hetwo hope project school.


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