
发布 2022-07-05 21:28:28 阅读 8725


二、完形填空1~5abccb 6~10addbc 11~15dabda三、单词填空 disappears 5. previous

四、句型转换1. didnt; until 2. twice as 3. mostinterested 4. its;that

5. my/me going第一模块作业(二)一、单项填空1~5bacdd二、阅读理解1~3bacd

三、单词填空1. embarrassed 2. enthusiastic 4. interested

5. after-class四、阅读表达。

1. teaching in the us

2. explanations, preparations, using goodexamples, answering questions and organization ofclasses.

3. yes. if they dont read books before classes(或without reading books before classes), they willfind it very difficult to understand the classes.



二、完形填空1~5accbd 6~10aabcd 11~15bacad16~20bccbd

三、单词填空 2. immediately 4. nervous

5. organis/zed

四、句型转换 4. will win 5. than watch


三、单词填空1. relationship 2. scientific 4. impression 5. admitted


1. the fairy lilies.

2. the noise came from the fairy babies and thefairy mothers.

keep the fairy mothers and babies untroubled.

4. if we give love to others, we will get lovein return.



二、完形填空1~5cbbcd 6~10ccbad 11~15abbdb16~20da abc

三、单词填空1. distance 2. scenery 3. downtown4. ceremony 5. exhausted

四、句型转换1. isnt allowed 2. not until 3. nolonger 4. how beautiful 5. at times

第三模块作业(二)一、单项填空1~5abcdb二、阅读理解1~4dcbd三、单词填空1. kindergarten


1. swedish researchers found the worlds oldestliving tree.

2. it was a big surprise.

3. spruces, according to kullmann, which offerrich insight into climate change, (had long .)

4. they used carbon dating at a laboratory.或byusingcarbondatingatthelaboratory.

或theygetitby using carbon dating at the laboratory.


二、完形填空1~5dadcb6~10cbca三、单词填空 2. traditional 3. alive 4. observ 5. reality

四、句型转换1. came true 2. for not h**ing been3. a most lot 5. at the age of


三、单词填空1. contemporary 2. imitating 4. colourful 5. adopted

四、任务型阅读 thirteen years 5. of habit


二、完形填空1~5cbdab 6~10aaccb 11~15dcabc三、单词填空 abroad 5. founded

四、句型转换 time 4. has had

5. called/telephoned/phoned; up第五模块作业(二)一、单项填空1~5cddac二、阅读理解1~5babcc

三、单词填空 historical 5. review

四、任务型阅读 share


二、完形填空1~5dcadb 6~10bcdab 11~15dcbab


三、单词填空1. comedy 2. moving 3. masterpiece4. channel 5. interests

四、句型转换1. h**e been 2. seemed that often 4. from time to time

5. your f**orite第六模块作业(二)一、单项填空1~5adcbc二、阅读理解1~5adbdc

三、单词填空1. characters 2. occasionally 4. enjoyable 5. actress


1. a teacher forever或my new english teacher2. after all, he is far from what we thought ourenglish teacher should be like.

3. roared with laughter或burst into laughter或felt very happy

4. i think a good english teacher should be ableto make his class lively and interesting. he can helpthe students a lot both in life and in learning.


2019高一寒假作业 高一地理寒假作业答案解析语文

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