
发布 2022-07-02 17:09:28 阅读 5831


1.his words are full of谎言) about the matter.

答案] lies

2.she didn't h**e the力气) to climb the hill.

答案] strength

3.he thought that crying is a sign of软弱).

答案] weakness

4.you must权衡) the advantages against the disadvantages.

答案] balance

5好奇心) is part of a child's nature.

答案] curiosity

6.she叹气) with relief when she heard the good news.

答案] sighed

7.the new regulations will be of有益) to everyone concerned.

答案] benefit

8混合) the eggs with a little flour and heat the mixture gently.

答案] combine

9.there is a限制) to the amount of pain we can bear.

答案] limit

10.the缺点)of the book is the author's inability to support his argument.

答案] weakness


1.i grasped the side of my chair,raised myself up with my arms,and grabbed the two metal sticks which kept mebalance) as i stood to take his hand.

解析] keep me balanced“使我保持平衡”,balanced是形容词作宾补。

答案] balanced

2.—how was your recent trip to sichuan?

i've never had a moreplease) one before.

解析] 句意:“你最近去四川的旅行怎么样?”“我从未有过比这次更愉快的旅行。”

答案] pleasant

3.just to satisfy mycurious),how much did you pay for your car?

解析] 句意:我只是出于好奇,请问你买这辆车花了多少钱?curiosity“好奇;好奇心”,符合句意。satisfy one's curiosity“满足某人的好奇心”。

答案] curiosity

4.claire had her luggagecheck) an hour before her plane left.

解析] 句意:克莱尔在飞机起飞前一小时办理了行李托运。luggage与check之间存在逻辑上的被动关系,故用过去分词作宾语补足语。

答案] checked

5.all the goods in this shop are solda discount of 20%.

解析] 句意:这个商店的所有商品8折**。at a discount of固定搭配,意为“按……的折扣”。

答案] at

6.as a result of the serious flood,twothirds of the buildings in the area needrepair).

答案] repairing / to be repaired

7.(2013·南京四校调研)—i h**e coffee to refresh myself recently.

is that so? if youmake sure you limit it to one cup a day.

解析] 句意:——我最近喝咖啡来提神。——是这样吗?如果你非得喝,务必限制在每天一杯。must在此意为“偏要,非得”。

答案] must

8.—is mike going there by bus?

he ought to,but he___not. he likes riding his bike.

解析] 根据下文“he likes riding his bike.”推测,他“可能”不坐公共汽车。

答案] may

9.it wasfine weather that the tourists wanted to spend more time taking pictures outdoors.

解析] 句意:天气这么好,游客们想花更多的时间到户外拍照。本题考查so和such的用法区别。



答案] such

10.whenever i h**e my sisterbuy) such books,my mother will object to it.

解析] 句意:无论何时我让我妹妹买这样的书,妈妈总是反对。h**e sb.

do sth.让某人做某事,h**e sb. doing sth.


答案] buy


1.he谋生) by selling fruits.

答案] earns his living

2为什么不) you go for a walk?

答案] why don't

3既不) you也不) he是) right.

答案] neither;nor;is

4.we shouldtheorypractice.(把……结合起来)

答案] combine;with

5.wemeet again不久).

答案] will;before long


alice: glad to meet you again.__1___is said that you h**e become chairman of the students' union.

is that true?

johnson: yes,that is true. but when i was first told the news that i___2___become) a candidate for the chairman of the students' union,i hesitated for a long time.

alice: why?

johnson: i was afraid it would take up too___3___time. i think a college student should devote most of his time and energy___4___his studies instead of working.

alice: i'm afraid i don't agree___5___you on that. you can get a lot of experience in___6___society) work.

johnson: yes,you are how about you? do you want to be a student leader,too?

alice: me? are you ******___7___of me? i just want to read books and write novels.

johnson: h**e you finished your book?

alice: almost. i will h**e finished it by this month.

johnson: i hope you will succeed in h**ing it___8___publish).

alice: i hope so. after___9___i h**e spent so much time on it.

johnson: if you stick to it,you will succeed sooner or__10__.

1.[解析] 考查形式主语。句意:据说你已经成为学生会主席。根据句子结构来判断,此处要用it作形式主语,代替后面的that从句。

答案] it

2.[解析] 考查动词时态。此处表示的动作发生在“was first told”这一动作之前,表示过去的过去,故要用过去完成时。

答案] had become

3.[解析] 考查形容词。根据语境可知,此处表示“要占据大量的时间”,修饰名词time,要用much。

答案] much


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