
发布 2022-07-02 17:07:28 阅读 8013


1.workers are required to follow these safety措施).

答案] measures

2.it's time that we went登机)the

答案] aboard

3.the house包围)with flowers is to my home.

答案] surrounded

4.now most people like聊天)with their friends on the internet.

答案] chatting

5.vancouver is a加拿大的)city,the most beautiful city of canada.

答案] canadian

6.mr. white is a serious boss and he doesn't permit his workers to make any轻微的)mistakes.

答案] slight

7.i'm吓坏) at the thought of being alone in the dark house.

答案] terrified

8.putin paid a visit to the great wall before he left beijing and was greatly印象) by its grand scenery.

答案] impressed

9.more and more shops on the main street在市区) keep open beyond midnight.

答案] downtown

10包围) by mountains,the area is very poor.

答案] surrounded


1.she preferswash) her clothes by hands rather than by machine.

解析] 此处考查“prefer to do ..rather than ..的用法。句意:她情愿用手洗衣服而不用机洗。

答案] to wash

2walk) out of the theatre,the famous singer found himselfsurround) by his fans.

解析] the famous singer与walk之间为主谓关系,故第一空用walking;第二空himself与surround为动宾关系,故用surrounded表被动。

答案] walking;surrounded

3.—mrs. taylor has8yearold daughter who hasgift for painting.

she has won two national prizes.

解析] 本题考查冠词的用法。句意:泰勒夫人有个8岁的女儿,她有绘画天赋,在全国比赛中已经获得过两次奖。

8yearold daughter前要用不定冠词an;h**e a gift for是固定词组,意为“有……天赋”。

答案] an;a

4.it was said that only one person gotslight) hurt in the storm,and that no one died orserious) hurt.

解析] 因为hurt是动词,因此两个空都用副词。

答案] slightly;seriously

5.we all agree to his suggestionwe organize a football club.

解析] 句意:我们都同意他提出的我们组织一个足球俱乐部的建议。that引导同位语从句,该从句用来解释suggestion的具体内容。

答案] that

6.the newswas spreading all over the city proved to be incorrect.

解析] 考查定语从句。which指代先行词news。从句不是对news的内容进行说明,而只是对它的限定、修饰。句意:那则正传遍这座城市的消息证明是不真实的。

答案] that/which

7.it is important to keep in mind that you are in a national parkwildlife exists.

解析] 空后面的动词是exist,它是不及物动词,所以引导词用where,在定语从句中作地点状语。

答案] where

8.—it's thirty years since we last met.

but i still remember the story,believe it or notwe got lost on a rainy night.

解析] that引导同位语从句,先行词是story。

答案] that

9.the question came up at the meetingwe had enough money for our research.

解析] 此处用whether引导同位语从句,说明question的内容,因为主句谓语太短,故从句后置。

答案] whether

10.the salesgirls always give customersplease) smile and the customers are veryplease).

解析] 句意:这些女售货员经常笑对顾客,使他们很满意。pleasant smile甜甜的微笑;pleased满意的,符合句意。

答案] pleasant;pleased


1.he decided to telephone而不是) send an email.

答案] rather than (to)

2正在采取措施) to reduce crime in the city.

答案] measures are being taken

3.the problem is that most students prefer to communicate with their internet friends而不是他们的父母).

答案] rather than

4据我所知),he is the leading person in it business.

答案] as far as i know

5.i was always梦想) studying abroad.

答案] dreaming of/about


2013·广东湛江一中等十校联考)terry,who failed again and again in career,often complained that he had been cheated by others. one day he told his wife he was so disappointed with the city___1___he had to le**e.

it was the evening of___2___weekend when they moved to another city. terry and his wife___3___tidy) up their new home busily when the light suddenly went out. terry regretted forgetting to bring along candles and had to wait___4___help) in a low mood.

just then he heard knocks on his door.

wondering who___5___was,terry,a newcomer to this city,went to the door and opened it impatiently. _6___the door was a little girl,shyly asking whether he had candles. “no,” terry answered in anger and shut the door violently.

after a while,the girl knocked again. but this time she was holding two candles,__7___say),“my grandma told me the new neighbor downstairs might need candles. she sent me here to give you these.

” terry was very surprised by___8___he saw.

at that moment he suddenly realized what caused his___9___repeating) failure in life. the person who had cheated him in life was really nobody___10___but himself.


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