
发布 2022-07-02 17:08:28 阅读 9329


1迷惑)about the long sentence structure,he turned to the english teacher for help.

答案] puzzled

2.with so many problems arising,the制度)should be changed.

答案] system

3.water存在)in three forms—liquid,gas and solid.

答案] exists

4不像)his deskmate he worked out the math problem in a different way.

答案] unlike

5.the doctor told tom that it was有害的)to his health to drink or smoke.

答案] harmful

6.the he**y rain阻止)him attending the meeting yesterday.

答案] prevented/stopped

7逐渐地) the weight lessened and i was able to talk to him.

答案] gradually

8.on our journey to the moon,the力量) of gr**ity would change three times.

答案] force

9.we探索) immediately we landed on the moon.

答案] explored

10.she was惊讶的) that he was still alive.

答案] amazed


1.cindy didn't le**e the office last nightshe finished her job.

解析] 句意:辛迪昨晚直到完成了工作后才离开办公室。not...until“直到……才”,until引导的时间状语从句中用短暂性动词。

答案] until

2.—can i smoke here?

sorry. we don't allowsmoke) here.

解析] 句意:“我能在这儿吸烟么?”“对不起,我们这里不允许吸烟。”allow后可以接动名词或含有不定式的复合宾语。

答案] smoking

3.online games are notharm) to children and can even be educational as long as they are “clean” and the play time is reasonably arranged.

解析] 句意:**游戏并不是有害于儿童,甚至可以是有教育意义的,只要他们是“干净”的并且玩耍的时间是合理安排的。be harmful to sb.

/sth.相当于be bad for sb./sth.


答案] harmful

4.she g**e birththree daughters and two sons.

解析] 句意:她生育了三个女儿和两个儿子。give birth to“产生;分娩”,为固定搭配。

答案] to

5.(2013·北京卷改编)__makes the book so extraordinary is the creative imagination of the writer.

解析] 句意:让这本书如此非凡的是作者创造性的想象力。what makes the book so extraordinary是主语从句,what在从句中作主语。

答案] what

6.(2013·四川卷改编you said at the meeting describes a bright future for the company.

解析] 句意:你在会上所说的话描述了公司的光明前途。分析句子结构可知,空处引导主语从句,且在从句中作宾语,故用what。

答案] what

7.(2012·安徽卷改编)the limits of a person's intelligence,generally speaking,are fixed at birth,buthe reaches these limits will depend on his environment.

解析] 句意:一个人的智力极限,通常来说,出生时就已经定型了。但他是否能够达到这些极限则取决于他所处的环境。

答案] whether

8.the cinema she used to visit had been pulledand a new school was set up.

解析] 句意:她过去常去的那家电影院已经拆除了,建起了一座新学校。pull down拆毁。

答案] down

9.now that the term has come toend,i am going to h**e a rest and take a trip.

答案] an

10.students should find more time to get closenature,which can encourage the creativity.

解析] 考查get close to sb./sth.靠近、接近某人/某物。

答案] to


1.their son被阻止上大学)because of their low income.

答案] was prevented from going to college

2.sometimes,doing exercise violently对健康有害).

答案] is harmful to/does harm to health

3既然大家都同意这个计划),let's start for shanghai next weekend.(now)

答案] now that everybody agrees to the plan

4感觉是我们的职责)to make our country a better place.(it)

答案] we feel it our duty

5.our new house is两倍大) the old one.

答案] twice as big as


madam: excuse me,do the buses stop here?

sir: yes,they all stop at this corner.

madam: i want to go to broadway and the 62nd street. can i take any bus___1___comes along?

sir: you___2___take any bus except the no. 4.

the no. 4 turns off at the 72nd street and goes down tenth **enue.

madam: how___3___do the buses run?

sir: they run about every five minutes. there will be one along in a few minutes.

in fact,here___4___come) one now.

madam: fine. how long does it___5___to get to the 62nd street?

sir: about fifteen minutes. it's not far. are you a stranger in new york?

madam: yes,i am. i __6___arrive) only three days ago from south america.

sir: what country do you come from?

madam: i come from venezuela—from caracas.

sir: how do you like new york city?

madam: i like___7___very much,but it's a little___8___confuse) to me. i sometimes get mixed up when i h**e to tr**el around the city alone.

sir: you'll soon get used___9___it. it's not very difficult.

well,here's the bus. fortunately,it's not full.

madam: thank you___10___the information.

sir: don't mention it.

1.[解析] 考查关系代词。难度中等。这是一个定语从句,先行词是bus,定语从句中缺少主语且先行词被不定代词any修饰,所以只能用关系代词that。


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