
发布 2022-06-12 18:24:28 阅读 2351


注意事项:1. 务必在答题卡及试卷规定的位置将你的姓名、考试号、座号等内容填写(涂)正确。

2. 试卷分第一卷(1-8页)和第二卷(9-12页)两部分,考试时间120分钟。

3. 第一卷的答题必须写在答题卡上,如需要修改,必须将原答题用橡皮擦干净。

4. 考试结束后,由监考老师将第一卷、第二卷及答题卡一并收回。




1. a. yes, i like itb. no, thanks. c. no, sorry.

2. a. no, i didn’tb. yes, i doc. sorry, i won’t.

3. a. thanks. i’d love to. b. yes, i could. c. yes, i hope so.

4. a. at fourb. for four hours. c. in four hours.

5. a. that’s rightb. never mind. c. that’s a good idea.


6. what does bob like doing?

a. going to the movies. b. watching tvc. watching cds.

7. what color is lucy’s cat?

a. blackb. whitec. yellow.

8. what is the boy looking for?

a. a footballb. a volleyballc. a basketball.

9. who is jane going to visit?

a. her motherb. her fatherc. grandfather.

10. where are the man and the woman?

a. on a farmb. at a restaurantc. at a shop.


11. when will they le**e?

a. in an hourb. in half an hourc. at 8:00.

12. what did jack forget to take?

a. his clothesb. their bagsc. money.

13. in order to make their trip more interesting, what do they want to take?

a. the camerab. some flowersc. their dog.

14. what will sam help them to do?

a. to take some pictures. b. to look after their dog. c. to lock the door.

15. when will they be back?

a. this afternoonb. tomorrowc. the day after tomorrow.


16. what did mr. white look like?

a. he was tall and thin. b. he was tall and he**y. c. he was a medium build.

17. why did mr. white h**e so many problems?

a. because his bed was too short. b. because his feet were too large.

c. because he was too large.

18. where did mr. white usually spend his time?

a. at homeb. in the officec. in the theater.

19. whom were the two tickets booked for?

a. mr. whiteb. mr. white’s friend. c. mr. white and his friend.

20. why did mr. white le**e the theater and go home sadly?

a. because the theater was quite full.

b. because he couldn’t sit by his friend.

c. because the two seats were not together.




21. —who is the man over there?

—he is an old friend of

myc. mine d. me.

22. —how do you study english?

i study english __talking with foreign students.

a. byb. inc. at d. on

23. the weather report says that it will betomorrow.

a. rainb. rainy c. rains

24. —how nice your watch is! how much did youfor it?

120 yuan.

a. payb. cost c. spend

25. the fish smellsit must be out of date!

a. goodb. well

26. as we’re students, weobey the school rules.

mayc. must

27. —would you mind turning __the music? your father is sleeping.

sorry. i’ll do it right away.

a. upb.

28do you play computer games every week? —about two hours.

a. how oftenb. how much c. how soon d. how long

29. —look! there is a big river. let’s swim in it!

no, i think it’sdangerous.

a. much toob. too much c. too many d. much more

30. —may i speak to miss wang?

sorry. she isn’t in. sheto hong kong.

a. has beenb. has gone c. goes

31kind girl jenny is! —yes. everyone likes her very much.

a. whatb. what ac. how d. how a

32. —will you please __the flowers? —sorry. i won’t.

2019山东淄博中考英语试题 解析版

淄博市2011年初中学业水平考试。英语试题答案解析。注意事项 1.务必在答题卡及试卷规定的位置将你的姓名 考试号 座号等内容填写 涂 正确。2.试卷分第一卷 1 8页 和第二卷 9 12页 两部分,考试时间120分钟。3.第一卷的答题必须写在答题卡上,如需要修改,必须将原答题用橡皮擦干净。4.考试结...


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