考研英语语法大全 情态动词must

发布 2022-06-10 13:33:28 阅读 2282



i must le**e at 9:00我必须在九点钟离开这里。

soldiers must obey orders.士兵必须服从命令。

you must get to the stallion before three o'clock.你必须在三点钟以前到达车站。

you must e earlier tomorrow.你明天得早点来。

must的否认形式must not表示"不应该"或。


we mustn't waste our time.我们不应该浪费我们的时间。

passengers must not walk across the railway line.旅客不要横穿铁路。

you mustn't miss that modern ballet,it is extremelygood.你可不要错过这个现代芭蕾舞剧,它好极了。

one must not divorce oneself from the masses.不应该脱离群众。

注]说"不必"须用need not。如:

must we hand in our exercises today? -no,you needn't.我们必须今天交练习吗? -不,不必今天交。


he told us we must all be ready by nine.他告诉我们在九点钟以前都得准备好。

it was too late to go back,we must go on.太晚了,回不去了,我们只有继续往前走。

注] h**e to (必须)那么可以表示各种时间。如:

i am afraid you will h**e to wait a while.我看你得等一会儿。

at every step i had to pull my legs out of the snow.我每走一步都得将双腿从雪中拔出来。


he must be in the library now.他现在准是在图书馆。

the old man must be over seventy now.那老人准有七十多岁了。

she must know how to do farm work.她一定懂得怎样干农活。

you ate very little at breakfast today. you must behungry now.


注] must加动词原形的进展式,也可表示对现在发生的动作的推测,有"一定"、"准是"的意思。如:

she must be working on the experimental plot.她现在一定在试验田里工作。


i mailed the letter two weeks ago. she must h**ereceived it.


she must h**e studied english before.她以前一定学过英语。

how did you know about it? somebody must h**e told you.你怎么知道这事的?一定有人告诉你了。

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