
发布 2021-04-11 21:07:28 阅读 5089



英语中常用的情态动词主要有can,could,may,might,must,will,would,shall,should,ought to,dare,need,h**e to,used to,had better等。




1. can/could 的用法。


表示能力,可以用be able to 替换。

he can swim. 他会游泳。(能)

she can’t copy your homework. 她不能抄你的作业。(不能)


he can’t be at home. i saw him in the zoo yesterday morning.


how can you be here? 你怎么会在这儿?(表示怀疑)


can i go to play basketball? 我可以去打篮球吗?(请求)

you cannot make so much noise.你不能这么吵闹。(允许)


how can you believe such a person?你怎么会相信那样一个人?



i could drive a car before i left school.毕业前我就会开车。


he said the news could be true.(表示过去的可能性)


could you show me the way?


i wish i could fly.

练习:1you swim?

---yes,but i am not a good swimmer.

a. can

2. -i saw your sister yesterday.

---it __be has gone to hong kong.

a. can

3. last year i __drive ,so i used to take a bus home.

a. could

4. _you please speak a little louder?i can’t hear you.

a. must

2. may/ might的用法。


may (might) i ask for a photo of your baby? 我可以要一张你宝宝的**吗?

may i borrow your bike? 我可以借你的自行车吗?


he may be at home. 他可能在家。

they might be h**ing a meeting, but i’m not sure. 他们有可能在开会,不过我不肯定。

(3)在回答由may引导的问句时,作肯定回答时一般可仍用may来回答或用yes, please. /certainly./sure.

/of course. ;作否定回答时根据说话人的语气由强到弱分别选用must not(mustn’t)(禁止)/ had better not(最好别)等情态动词。

例句】may i go out?—no, you mustn’t.


may i open the window? —certainly./sure./of course.


练习:1i speak to him now?

a. can b. may c. must d. need

out! the knife is very sharp. you __cut your finger.

a. need b. must c. should d. may

3.—may i stop my car here? —no, you __

a. can’t b. mustn’t c. needn’t d. may not

3. must的用法。


you must come back by five o’clock this afternoon. 今天下午5点之前你必须回来。


this book must be li ping’s because his name is on the cover.



you mustn’t play football in the street. 不准你在街上踢足球。

you mustn’t smoke in public.公共场合禁止吸烟。

a. must b. can c. may d. need

must的一般疑问句,作肯定回答时用yes, …must.或yes, …h**e to.。但作否定回答时,则必须使用no, .

needn’t. 或no, …don’t h**e to.来作答。

must i stay here for an hour ? 我必须在这儿呆一小时吗?

no, you needn’t./ no, you don’t h**e to. 不,没有必要。

练习:1.—must we hand in our homework now?

no, you

a. mustn’t b. can’t c. may not d. needn’t

___do everything step by step.

a. can b. may c. must d. need

3.—may i go swimming alone?

no, you

a. can’t b. may not c. mustn’t d. needn’t

___be ill. he looks so pale.

a. must b. can c. may d. need

4. should

1 should的基本意义为:“应该、应当”。表达义务、职责。

you should finish your homework early. 你应该早点完成你的作业。

we shouldn’t waste time. 我们不应该浪费时间。

2 表示说话人的特殊情感,如惊奇、愤怒,失望等。

don’t ask should i know?

3 should h**e done 表示本该做而没做,否定形式表示“本不该做而做了”

you should h**e invited me to the party was free all day.

练习:1. youtell your mother about it at once.

a. must b. can c. should d. would

2. tom __h**e done all the work within one was still time.

5. need的用法。


i needn’t wear a coat. 我不需要穿大衣。

i don’t think you need worry. 我认为你没有必要发愁。


need i come tomorrow? -yes,you must/no ,you needn’t.

3)need用作及物动词,其否定形式要借助于don’t, doesn’t或didn’t。疑问形式也要借助于do, does或did。

we need some help. 我们需要些帮助。

i don’t need things like that. 我不需要那样的东西。

练习:___to protect animals.

a. must b. can c. need d. may

you worked late yesterday, you __h**e come this morning.

a. mayn’t b. can’t c. mustn’t d. needn’t

6. will/would


i will do anything for you 我愿意为你做任何的事情。

i said i would go with you. 我说过我愿意和你一起去。


will you close the windows? it is a bit cold. 有点冷,你能关上窗户吗?

would you like another glass of beer? 你想再来杯啤酒吗?

练习:1you mind closing the windows?

a. would b. shall c. can d. must

2. iargue with you.

a. shouldn’t b. mustn’t c. won’t d. may not

7. shall


shall i get you some water? 我给你(倒)点水好吗?

what shall we do tonight? 今天晚上我们做什么呢?



you shall be punished for what you’ve done.

练习:we go to the cinema?

a. can b. must c. shall d. would


1) 用于否定句中,表示不敢。

i daren’t go out alone at night.

2) 用于疑问句及条件句中,表示“敢”

how dare you speak to me like that?

i wonder whether she dare come home.

3)dare 做实义动re词时,有人称和数的变化。肯定句中要跟带to的不定式,而在否定和疑问句式中,to 可要可不要。

he dares to do whatever he wants to do.

i don’t dare (to)complain.

9. had better

后跟动词原形,表示“最好”,否定结构为“had better not”

you had better keep quiet.

中考英语情态动词语法解析 二

昂立外语 考点4 考查may表示不确定推测的用法。情态动词may表示推测时,可用于肯定句和否定句,较少用于疑问句。如 it may be necessary to call a doctor.去叫医生也许是必要的。he may h e a lot of money.他也许有很多钱。mary may ...

中考英语情态动词语法解析 三

三 易错陷阱。陷阱1 混淆must 与h e to的区别。两者在用法上有以下区别值得注意 1.强调重点不同 must强调主观,而h e to强调客观。如 you must go now.i want you to go now 你必须现在就走 有 我要你现在走 之意 if i buy that ca...


常考情态动词的用法。1.can,could 1 表能力 be able to 注意区别?2 表许可 may。请求允许时,用can或may 在给予别人许可时,常用can,但有时也用may。不能用might。may i play basketball this afternoon?no,you may ...