
发布 2021-05-15 10:15:28 阅读 9020


1. can, could

1)表能力(=be able to)。注意区别?


—may i play basketball this afternoon? —no,you may/can not.


4)表推测,仅用于否定句和问句。how could you do such a silly thing?

whose hand could it be? /i won’t believe it . it can’t be true .


6)can't / couldn't +v. +too +adj. /adv.

can’t/couldn’t +v.+ adj. /adv + enough 再怎么……也不过分 eg:

i can’t thank you enough . you can never accumulate too large a vocabulary .

a woman can never h**e too many hats. /you can’t be too careful while driving .

7) can't / couldn't but do. /can’t help but do 只好,不得不,不能不…

hearing his words , we couldn’t ( help )but give in .

8)can't help doing禁不住做……

the child couldn’t help bursting into tears when she saw her grade .

2. may, might

1)表允许,许可=can如:you may go home now, susan.


3)may / might as well + v. 最好,满可以,倒不如。

you may as well wait till tuesday and go on a fast train.


may you succeed!

5)(用于让步状语从句中) 即使;无论。

whatever he may say,i don't believe him.



may i use your car?

no,you mustn’t.(委婉的拒绝可用:sorry,but i am using it now.或you’d better not.等)

must i work out the problem tonightno,you needn’t.

3. must


you must do as you are told. 你必须按照吩咐去做。



4)must not表禁止,不允许。表示禁止(用于否定句)

you must not speak ill of others. 千万不要说别人的坏话 / cars mustn't be parked here.

5)must的一般疑问句的否定回答用needn't或don't h**e to。

-- must i finish it todayno, you needn’t . no , you don’t h**e to )


must you listen to the radio at such a late hour ? look ! everyone is sleeping .

must you make so much noise?

7)(表必然性)必定。everyone must die. 每个人都必定会死。

4. shall



shall i get some chalk? shall we go out for a walk now ?


二、三人称, 表示说话人的命令、强制、允诺、威胁等, 多见于法律条文等文件中。

shall she go to the concert with us this evening?

he has come. shall he wait outside or come in?

don't worry. you shall get the answer this very afternoon. (允诺)

he shall be sorry one day. i tell you. (警告)

every driver shall be punished if he drives after drinking.

5. should

1) .should 作为情态动词,通常用来表示现在或将来的责任或义务,译作“应该”、“应当”,这时它可以和 ought to, be supposed to 互换使用。

you should (=are supposed to ) complete your test in time.

you should (=ought to ) tell your mother about it at once.

in sum, theory should be combined with practice. 总之,理论应与实践结合起来。

2)(表惊讶、遗憾)竟然;居然。 it's a pity that he should resign.


they should be home by now. /the book you need should be in our library.

it’s nearly seven o’clock. jack should be here at any moment.

---when can i come for the photos? i need them tomorrow afternoon.

they __be ready by 10:00 tomorrow morning .

a. may b. can c. should d. would

6. will /would


would you please tell me the way to hongxing school?

2)表习惯性或反复性的动作,will指现在,would指过去的习惯=used to。

when i was young, i would listen to the radio for hours after school .


i told him to come, but he wouldn’t listen to me . the door won’t open.




2. need作情态动词,通常用于疑问句和否定句中,后接动词原形。这时need没有人称和数的变化,也没有时态的变化。

2)dare 既可作实义动词,也可作情态动词,其主要用法如下:

1. 用作实义动词,此时其后接动词不定式,但在否定句中to可以省略,且dare有人称和数以及时态的变化。

2. dare用作情态动词,主要用于疑问句、否定句和条件句中,后跟动词原形,没有人称和数的变化,但可以有过去式形式。

8. used to/ ought to?

1.used to的意思是“过去经常,而现在已经终止的动作或状态”。其中的to是不定式符号不是介词,所以其后接动词原形。

2. used to作为情态动词,可直接在used后加not构成否定式,直接将used置于句首构成疑问式,但与一般的情态动词不同的,它也可像普通动词那样借助助动词did构成否定式和疑问式,此时used改为 use

3. ought to表示义务或责任。意为“应该”。

4. ought to表示推断。意为“应该”、“可能”。

5. 在否定句中用ought not 或oughtn't,在疑问句中将ought提到主语之前。

9.had better/ would rather

would rather的主要用法如下:

1. 常见句式为sb. would rather do…than do…,意思是“宁愿做什么而不愿做什么”。注意 than后面的内容为否定项;

2. 句式为sb. would rather do…than do…可改写为sb. would do…rather than do…

3. 上述句式中rather than do 可提前至句首:rather than do…, sb. would do…

4. would rather可以接宾语从句,表达与现在或将来以及过去相反的愿望。表达与现在或将来的愿望相反时,从句动词一律用一般过去时,表达与过去相反的愿望时,从句动词用过去完成时;


名师精讲语法知识点,值得 练习 情态动词主要用以表明说话者对某一行为的态度和观点,主要包括揣测 判断 需要 可能 各种意愿等。情态动词不能单独作谓语,只能和主动词一起构成谓语,没有人称和数的变化。每个情态动词都有多个意义。英语中常用的情态动词主要有can,could,may,might,must,w...


高中情态动词。1.must 1 可以表示 偏偏,偏要 指不愉快的事。after i g e her advice,she must go and o the opposite.我给她出了主意后她偏反着干。must you trouble him,just when he is busy doing ...

中考英语情态动词语法解析 二

昂立外语 考点4 考查may表示不确定推测的用法。情态动词may表示推测时,可用于肯定句和否定句,较少用于疑问句。如 it may be necessary to call a doctor.去叫医生也许是必要的。he may h e a lot of money.他也许有很多钱。mary may ...