
发布 2021-05-15 10:25:28 阅读 5546


情态动词(unit 1

unit 2)



2. 有些情态动词有过去式的变化。

will → would , can

could , may

dare→ might→dared,二、情态动词的否定式 :

情态动词 + not + 动词原形 can not: can't , must not: mustn't , need not : needn't

三、情态动词的用法及相互区别 , 是考试的内容之一。

1. can , be able to

be able to



be able to


1). 表示体力或脑力方面的能力 ;

2). 表示允许、可能性。

could 是 can 的过去式 , 表示过去有能力及过去存在的可能性。


提出问题。1) the fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone __get out.

a. had to b. would c. could d. was able to

nmet 97 )

2) -will you stay for lunch?

sorry, _my brother is coming to see me. (nmet99)

a. i mustn't b. i can't c. i needn't d. i won't





式 ; 用在疑问中比 may 委婉、客气。

1) -may i take this book out of the reading-room?

no, you mustn't. (yes, you may.)

2) -might i make a suggestion? -yes, you may.

3. must

1). 表示必须要做的事。

2) 表示很有把握的推断。

必须。 一定 ,准是。

h**e (has)to : h**e (has)got to

必须 ,不得不。

过去式 : had to

3) -must i get to the station before three o'clock? -yes, you must. (no, you needn't. )

4) i'm afraid you will h**e to wait a while.

5) she must be in the classroom now.

6) mary __be in paris, i saw her in town only a few minutes ago. (nmet 94)

a. mustn't b. shouldn't c. can't d. may not

4. shall

1) 在疑问句中 , 用于第。


2) 用于。

二、三人称 ,表示说话人给对方的命令、警告、允诺等概念。

1) -shall i place an order with you now? -no, you needn ’ t.

shall he turn down the radio a bit? -

yes, please.(no, please don't.)

2) you shall h**e the english book as soon as i finish it.

3) everything that he owns shall be taken away from him.

4) your brother seldom comes to see you, _a. does he b. doesn't he c.

will he d. isn't he

5) it's a fine day. let's go fishing, _

a. won't we b. will we

c. don't we d. shall we

5. should

应该。 应当。

1) you should listen to the doctor's advice.

2) you should study the article carefully.

6. will, would

1) 在疑问句中用于第二人称 ,表示说话人向对方提出请求或询问。用 would 语气更加婉。

转。2) will 表示现在的习惯性动作或状态 ; would 表示过去的习惯性动作或状态。

3) will 用于各种人称 , 表示意志、意愿、决心、允诺 ; would 表示过去时间的意志、意愿、 .

3) -it's my birthday tomorrow. don't forget to come to my party.

a. i don't b. i won't c. i can't d. i h**en'

7. ought to

应该 ;应当。

1) you oughtn't to smoke too much.

2) she __for what she has done.

c. ought to h**e praised d. ought to be praise

8. dare 1. dare to come 2. dare come

1) he dare not tell the truth.

2) he doesn't dare to come out at night.

3) i don't know whether he __try.

a. dare b. needs c. wants d. is allowed

9. need

1). 作为情态动词 :必须。

2). 作为实义动词 : 需要。

a. 主语是人 need( to do something ; to be done by somebody)

b. 主语是事物 need ( doing; to be done)

1) -do they need to take any books with them? -no, they don't need to.

2) -need we buy any new equipment? -no, we needn't.

3) this farm tool needs repairing. this farm tool needs to be repaired.

4) -shall i tell john about it ?

no, you __i've told him already.

a. needn't b. wouldn't

c. mustn't d. shouldn't

5) it's a fine day. you __take a raincoat with you.

a. can't b. mustn't

c. needn't d. may not


1、must h**e done, 一“定做过 / 一定已经...表示对过去情况极大把握地推测,仅用于肯定句。

2、may/might h**e done 也许做过某事(推测) ;本来可以做某事却没做。

3、can't h**e done 为否定句或疑问句 ,对过去的推测 “不可能,一定没做过某事 ” could h**e done 本来可以做某事却没做。

4. needn ’ t h**e done表示 ”不必要做某事,但做了 ”,而 needn ’ t do则表示 ”不必做 (也没做 )

5.、ought to /should h**e done 表示 ”本来应当做的却没做 ”

oughtn ’ t / shouldn ’ t h**e本done来不应该做某事却做了。

6、would/could/might/should + h**e done 用来表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气。

7、would rather h**e done 表示 ”当时宁愿做了某事 ”,否定形式: would rather not h**e done

if i had been free that day, i would h**e gone with you.

8、would like/love to h**e done 表示 ”本想做某事 ”而实际上未做。


高中英语必修三。情态动词 unit 1 unit 2 一 情态动词的特点 1.没有人称和数的变化。2.有些情态动词有过去式的变化 will would can could may might dare dared 二 情态动词的否定式 情态动词 not 动词原形can not can t must ...


情态动词。情态动词表示说话人对动作或状态的各种观点和态度,如需要 猜测 意愿或怀疑等。情态动词有词义,但不完全,是所谓的 辅助性 动词,在句中不能单独充当谓语。一 情态动词的特征和形式。a.情态动词的各种形式见下表 b 情态动词除ought to,used to等外,后面只接不带to的不定式。1 情...


初中英语语法大全 情态动词 h e 过去分词。1 may might h e done sth,can could h e donesth表示过去,推测过去时间里可能发生的事情。philip may might h e been hurt seriously in the car can could...