
发布 2022-05-17 19:36:28 阅读 2027




一、写出下列字母的左邻右舍,注意大小写。(1×5 = 5分)

1f2p3t __

4r5d二、看图,填上单词的所缺字母。(1×5 = 5分)

d __ggg t___ger d __ckpple

三、根据情景选择合适的表达方式,将其编号写在括号里。(2×15 = 30分)

1. 向别人自我介绍时,你说:

a. my name is jack. b. this is jack. c. how are you ?

2. 每年的9月10日是教师节,在那天可以对老师说:

a. happy women’s day ! b. happy teachers’ day !

c. happy new year !

3. 放学回家途中,看到一辆小汽车很快地向正过马路的同学。


a. look, a car ! b. watch out ! c. watch a car.

4. 新学期的第一天,英语老师见到同学,会热情地说:

a. come inb. welcome back to school. c. good bye.

5. 你想知道amy来自哪个国家,可以问她:

a. where are you from ? b. what’s your name ? c. how old are you ?

6. 当你路遇老师,你应该说:

a. good morning, miss li. b. nice to meet you! c. what’s your name ?

7. 你想喝橙汁,你问妈妈:

a. i like orange juice, mom.

b. can i h**e some orange juice, mom?

c. do you like orange juice, mom ?

8. 你想请对方再吃一些东西,你说:

a. h**e some more ? b. do you like more ? c. h**e some milk.

9. 别人问你:“do you like apples ?”你答:

a. i like apples. b. yes, i do. c. let’s h**e some apples.

10. 你如何表达“我不喜欢梨”?

a. i like pears. b. i don’t like pears. c. no, thank you.

11. 当别人不小心弄坏你的东西,他应该说:

a. you’re welcome b. it’s ok. c. i’m sorry.

12. how many teachers

a. show me five. b. five. c. it’s five.

13. this is my friend, amy

a. nice to meet you. b. how old are you ? c. bye.

14. 别人称赞你很能干,你回答:

a. no. b. good. c. thank you.

15. john 给你看他的新书包,你觉得书包很好看,你可以说:

a. oh, how nice ! b. guess. c. that’s right.

四、找出不同类的单词或词组,将其编号写在括号里。(2×10 = 20分)

1. a. sarahb. boy c. amy

2. a. cokeb. coffee c. cake

3. a. duckb. apple c. cat

4. a. beijing b. china c. america

5. a. good morning b. watch out c. good afternoon

6. a. pinkb. orange c. colour

7. a. teacherb. student c. woman

8. a. fb. rc. t

9. a. grapeb. peach c. fruit

10. a. gooseb. tigerc. lion

五、将a栏和b栏中对应的句子连线。(2×5 = 10分)

a bdo you like pearsthank you.

can i h**e a bananai like hot dogs.

how many books do you h**eno, i don’t.

h**e some applessure.

what do you likei h**e ten.

六、从栏中找出栏的答语,将其编号写在括号里。(2×5 = 10分)

1. who’s that boya. i h**e 8 books.

2. let’s fly a kiteb. oh, how beautiful !

3. look at my new bagc. he’s my friend.

4. how many kites can you see ? d. i can see 10.

5. how many books do you h**e ? e. ok !

七、根据对话内容,选择正确选项,将其编号写在横线上。(2×5 = 10分)

she’s my teacher. i’m from america. oh, it’s beautiful.

nice to meet you. ok.

1. a: where are you from ?

b2. a: who’s this woman ?

b3. a: let’s fly a kite.

b4. a: look, i h**e a new bag.

b5. a: john, this my friend, tom.

b八、阅读,判断对错,对的打“√”错的打“×”2×5 = 10分)

hello, boys and girls ! my name is lucy. i’m a girl.

i’m ten. i’m a new student. i’m from america.

there are ( 有 ) three people ( 人 ) in my family. my father and my mother are teachers. i h**e a good friend.

her name is lily. she is from canada.

1. lucy is from america.

2. lucy is 9 years old.


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2011 2012学年度第二学期阶段检测。时间 15分钟。一 写出下列字母的大小写,从 mm到ww。二 选出不同类别的单词,将其编号填在括号内。1 a student b teacher c man 2 a thirteen b meet c eleven 3 a grandpa b woman c...