
发布 2022-05-16 02:54:28 阅读 5039




) 1. a. blueb.

ballc. black( )2. a.

pieb. standc. sit( )3.

a. comeb. listen c.

me( )4. a. ballb.

bookc. look( )5. a.

talkb. shoutc. black( )6.

a. clothes b. skirtc.

t-shirt( )7. )8. )9.

)10. 二、选择正确的序号填入括号中。(14)( 1.

-look at my shirt.

a. yes, please.

b. it’s nice.

c. thank you.

)2is your skirt?

-it’s red.

a. what

b. what colour

c. what’s colour

)3mr wang. he’s __she; i

b. he’s; my

c. she’s; my

-brown, please.

a. blue or brownb. would you like an egg c. what colour( )5. -please come in.

a. i’m sorry. b.

thank you. c. no, thank you.

( 6. -would you like a green egg?

a. yes, i am b. no, i’m yes, please.( 7. -don’t listen to musicon the road(在马路上).

a. thank sorry. c. yes.

)8. don’t __the window. it’scold (冷)in the library.

a. openb. closec. run

)9. -this is my father.

a. nice to meet yes, he is.( 10. -open it, please.

you.b. goodbye.

c. yes, mr green.

c. thank you.

) 11. -look at the blackboard.

a. i’m sorryb. yes, mr green. c. it’s nice.( 12. -what’s this?.

a. it’s a parrot. b. it’s parrot. c. no, it’s a parrot.( 13.——hello, class.

a. hello, mike. miss li. c. hello, helen.( 14. i like to __juice.

a. eatb. drinkc. run三、根据所给情境,选择正确的答案。(20)( 1.格林老师请你开门,他说:

a. open the door,please. b. close the door, please.

c. close the window, please.

) 2.你做错了事,应该对别人说:

a. okb. thank you. c. i’m sorry.( 3.上课了,同学们起立,老师对大家说:

a. stand upb. sit down. c. yes, please.( 4.外面刮风了,妈妈对你说:

a. please open the window. b. please open the door.

c. please close the window.

) 5.下午老师上课时,不可以说:

a.hello , class. b. good morning,class. c. good afternoon,class.


a. don’t run don’t shout here. c. don’t talk here.( 7.上学迟到了,你对老师说:

a. come in, i’m sorry, miss li. c. open the door, please.


a. don’t don’t drink.( 9.

当你妈妈问你是否想要一杯牛奶时,她会说:a. would you like a glass of milk?

c. this is a glass of milk.( 10.


a. don’t close the don’t open the windows.四、选择正确的中文意思。(10)( 1、don’t sleep ,liutao.


)2、i’m sorry.


)3、don’t drink my water.


)4、that’s my english book.


)5、don’t shout here.


五、从b栏中找出a栏相应的答句,将序号填入题前括号中(8)ab( )1. what’s this in english?a.

good morning.( 2. may i come in?

b. no, thank i’m sorry.

b. don’t close the door.

b. i’d like a glass of milk.

c. don’t eat.

)3. it’s hot.

)4. would you like a glass of milk?d.

it’s aball.( 5. don’t run in the it’s nice.

( 6. good morning, class.( 7.

look at the blackboard.

f. come in, please.

g. open the window, please.

)8. what about this red skirth. ok.六、选用方框内适当的句子,完成对话。(10)

at the colour?

you like a hot dog? this? sorry

1、--don’t drink here.

---it’s an english book.3

---yes,mr green.4

---no,thank you.5

---it’s blue.


1.—would you like a cake?

come in, helen

2.—liu tao, please open the window.

yes, miss green3.—don’t sleep ,liutao.

i’m sorry

4.—i’m sorry.

thank you八、从方框中选择合适的词,用其正确形式完成对话。(14)no hello like don’t eat about sorryahelen!bshout!

a: would you __a cake?bthank what __a sweet?

b: no! don’t __in the i’m __


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