
发布 2022-03-27 19:23:28 阅读 2103

一. 单词类:

1) 名词

可数名词:egg(鸡蛋) cake(蛋糕) sweets(糖) sausage(香肠) hot dog (热狗) pear梨watermelon 西瓜。

不可数名词:cheese(奶酪) rice(大米) bread(面包) meat(肉) juice(果汁) milk(牛奶) water(水) coffee(咖啡) tea(茶)

2) 动词。

hear(听到) see(看到) walk(走) sing (唱) dance (跳舞) eat(吃) swim(游泳) run(跑) jump(跳) smell(闻到) feel(感觉到) say(说话) hold(抓住) cross(穿过) tell(告诉) sit(坐) give(给) finish(吃完) wait(等待) drop(掉下) hurry(匆忙) need(需要) understand(明白) argue(争吵) wear(穿) control(控制)

catch(接住) start(开始) wash(洗) make(制作) help(帮助)


不规则类:buy—bought(买) do—did(做) meet—met (遇到)run—ran(跑)h**e/has—had(吃)eat—ate(吃) see—saw(看到) come—came (来) send—sent(寄) is—was(是 are—were(是) take—took(带着) win—won(赢) lose—lost(丢失) ring—rang(鸣响)

规则类: play—played(玩) listen—listened(听) watch—watched(看)walk—walked(走)wash—washed(洗) help—helped(帮助)

visit—visited(参观) drop—dropped(掉下) skip—skipped(跳)


sad(难过的) bored(无聊的) angry(生气的) tired(劳累的) happy(高兴的) hungry(饥饿的) thirsty(口渴的)

wonderful(令人惊奇的) clean(干净的) enough(足够的) fantanstic(极好的) dangerous(危险的) careful(小心的)

5)副词。well(好地) badly(不好地) really(真正地)

6)代词。mine(我的) yours(你的;你们的) hers(她的) his(他的)

(7) 特殊疑问词。

where(**) when(什么时间) who(谁) whose(谁的) what(什么) what time(什么时间) how(怎样) how many(多少可数) how much(多少可数) how well(多么好)


能:can—不能can’t 应该:should—不应该shouldn’t

是:is—不是isn’t 是:are—aren’t do—don’t did—didn’t


module 1: hurry up(快点) wait for us(等等我们 ) come back(回来) come with us(和我们一起) walk/run to the bus(走、跑向公共汽车)

last sunday(上周日)

module 2: at the supermarket(在超市) make a list(列单子) one kilo of noodles(一公斤面条) half a kilo(半公斤) two kilos(两公斤) the first thing(第一件事情) shopping list(购物单) what about juice(果汁怎么样) go to the supermarket(去超市) six boxes(六盒) five bottles(五瓶)

module 3: at the weekend(在周末) lots of places(许多地方) send a postcard(寄明信片) walk for one hour(步行一个小时)

take photos(照相) the great wall 长城 the british museum 大英博物馆 the london eye伦敦眼。

module 4: on the line(在绳子上) wash clothes(洗衣服) whose t-shirt(谁的t恤衫) jimmy’s cap(吉米的帽子) that’s ok(没关系)

module 5: give out(分发) enough pencils(足够的铅笔) be careful(小心) too many(太多) every child(每个孩子) enough time(足够的时间)

module 6: good at basketball(擅长打篮球) run fast(跑地快) control the ball(控制球) catch the ball(接住球) a good goalkeeper(一个好的足球运动员) jump high(跳的高) sing well(唱得好好) very badly(非常不好) football team(足球队) can’t…at all(一点也不会)

module 7: sit dowm(坐下) a programme about dogs(有关狗的节目)

stand on my head(头朝下倒立)

module 8: half past seven(七点半) walk to school(步行去学校) do morning exercises(做早操) skip with lingling(和玲玲一起跳绳) go into the classroom(走进教室) get up(起床) h**e breakfast(吃早饭) go to school(去学校) h**e lunch(吃午饭) go home(回家) do homework(做作业) watch tv(看电视) go to bed(睡觉) in the playground(在操场上)

before nine o’clock(九点之前) start school(开始上课)

module 9: on the farm(在农场) win a chess game(赢了一场象棋比赛) all day(整天) go out to play(出去玩) lose my bag(丢了我的包) make you a surprise cake(给你做一个惊喜蛋糕)

module 10: in a hurry(匆忙) walk in the road(在路中间走) cross the road(穿过马路) hold my hand(抓住我的手) say hello to mum’s friend(向你妈妈的朋友问好) take the right child(领着正确的孩子) play chess(下象棋) eat fruit(吃水果) read books (读书) ride a bike(骑自行车) go shopping(购物) play the flute(吹笛子) put books on the floor(把书放到地板上)


1 表示有足够的、没有足够的、太多的…

1)there are ten pencils in the blue box.


2) there are enough pencils. 有足够的铅笔。

3) there aren’t enough pencils. 没有足够的铅笔。

4) there are too many books on the desk. 桌子上有太多书。

2 表示能或不能做某事。

i/ you /he/ she/ they can play football.(否定用can’t)

3 建议对方应该或不应该做某事。

you should look, then cross the road. 你应该先看看再过马路。

you shouldn’t walk in the road. 你不应该在路上走。

一般疑问句(一般以do did does is are can 开头 ,以yes no 回答)

1 do you feel tired? 你感觉累吗? yes, i do./ no, i don’t.

2 did you walk to school yesterday? 你昨天步行上学吗 yes, i did./ no, i didn’t.

3 did they buy ice creams? 他们买了冰激凌吗? yes, they did./ no, they didn’t.

3 are you feeling happy?你感到高兴吗? yes, i am./ no, i’m not.

3 is she/he feeling sad? 她/他感到难过吗? yes, she/he is./ no, she/he isn’t.

4 is this your cap? 这是你的帽子吗? yes, it is./ no, it isn’t.

5 are there enough pencils? 有足够的铅笔吗? yes, there are./ no, there aren’t.

6 can you run fast? 你能跑得快吗? yes, i can./ no, i can’t.

7 can he jump high?他能跳得高吗? yes, he can./ no, he can’t.

8 can we h**e a dog? 我们能养一条狗吗? yes, we can./ no, we can’t.


询问时间:when did you come back? we came back last sunday.

你什么时候回来的? 我们上个星期天回来的。

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