. 结识新朋友。
hi, class! today we will meet three new friends. they are in grade 6, too.
a. 阅读表中信息并把你自己的情况填入**。( 6分)
b. 看**,判断。相符的画 “√不符的画“×”6分)
1.( liu yang is one year older than zhang bin.
2.( wang fang is thinner than zhang bin.
3.( liu yang is 8cm taller than wang fang.
4.( i am he**ier than wang fang.
c. 根据身高体重信息,比照liu yang 简笔形象,画出其他两位新朋友。(5分)
wang fangliu yangzhang bin
. 关爱同学。
last saturday morning, wang fang got the flu. liu yang and zhang bin visited her.
a. 根据上述情节,结合以下**及字母提示,完成对话。(6分)
liu yang: how do you feel?
wang fang: i feel sick.
zhang bin: what’s the m
wang fang: my nose h smy throat is s
i h**e a h
liu yang: do you h**e a f
wang fang: yes. i feel bad.
l & z: don’t worry! you will be better soon.
b. 下面哪些是给wang fang的合理建议?请打“√”6分)
1.( see a doctor2.( go swimming.
3.( take some medicine. 4.( drink some hot water.
5.( stay in bed6.( read many books.
. 感受生活。
on saturday afternoon, zhang bin and liu yang went hiking with their classmates. they were very excited.
it was a windy day. liu yang went fishing. zhang bin flew a kite.
suddenly, the kite flew into a big tree. he couldn’t get it. he was very angry.
he had nothing to do, he was bored. then he walked to liu yang. they played football together.
zhang bin was very happy.
a. 根据短文内容,将zhang bin的情绪变化排序。(8分)
b. 读短文,连线。(4分)
went fishing played football went hiking flew a kite
liu yangzhang bin
. 感恩母亲。
a. 选词写在横线上。(6分)
today is monday, may wassaturday, sunday). it wasmother’s day, father’s day).
liu yang didn’t go to school. hedoes, did) some housework for his mother. in the morning, he cooked breakfast.
after breakfast, he
wash, washed) the clothes. in the afternoon, he cleaned the room. in the evening,
hewent, is going) out for a walk with his mother. his mother was very happy.
b. 根据短文内容回答问题。(9分)
1. did liu yang cook breakfast for his mother?
2. did he read books?
3. what did he do in the afternoon?
4. how did his mother feel?
she felt(感觉。
c. 结合实际回答问题(至少写两句,尽量写出与文中内容不同的事情)。(4分)
what did you do for your mother?
2015年分局机关党委工作要点。分局机关党委的工作思路以十八大精神为指导,认真落实科学发展观,不断加强分局基层党组织的思想建设 组织建设 制度建设 作风建设和反腐倡廉建设,充分发挥机关党委职能作用,确保建交系统各项工作再上新水平。一 加强学习。扎实推进理论武装工作。以学习宣传贯彻十八大精神和科学发展...
九三分局2008 2009学年度上学期期末考试试题。小学五年级语文。基础知识 一 给下列加点字选择正确读音。6分 膝盖 x q 规矩 j j 侮辱 w w 纤维 xi n qi n 弹琴 t n d n 挨骂 i i 二 按查字典知识填空。6分 张 字用部首查字法要查 部 用数笔划查字法要查 画 用...
2009 2010学年度下学期期末考试试题。小学五年级语文。一 基础知识与积累运用。1 祝你圣诞快乐 这六个字按音序先后排列应是。3分 2 趣味汉字,拼一拼,写一写。7分 yu荣 地 抵 言犹 忧 富 d ng n qi n qu n y m i n o 力。3 你发现下面菜单中的错别字了吗?请圈出...