
发布 2022-03-24 23:47:28 阅读 3374

1. —i hear you __in a pub. what’s it like?

— well, it’s very hard work and i’m always tired, but i don’t mind.

a. are working b. will work c. were working d. will be working.

2. the fact that so many people still smoke in public places __that we may need a nationwide campaign to raise awareness of the risks of smoking.

a. suggest b. suggests c. suggested d. suggesting.

3. —tommy is planning to buy a car.

—— i know. by next month, he __enough for a used one.

a. s**es b. s**ed c. will s**e d. will h**e s**e.

4. between the two parts of the concert is an intervalthat audience can buy ice-cream.

a. when b. where c. that d. which

5. in that school, english is compulsory for all students, but french and russian are __

a. special b. regional c. optional d. original

6. it was never clear __that man hadn’t reported the accident sooner.

a. that b. how c. when d. why

7. teachers h**e to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional

a. consequence b. independence c. competence d. intelligence.

8. —are you still mad at her?

—— not really, but i can’t __that her remarks hurt me.

a. deny b. refuse c. reject d. decline

9. —linda didn’t invite us to the party.

i don’t care.

a. for what b. so what c. what’s on d. what’s up

10. —you look upset. what’s the matter?

—— i had my proposal __again.

a. turned over b. turned on c. turned off d. turned down.

11. recently a survey __prices of the same goods in two different supermarkets has caused heated debate among citizens.

a. compared b. comparing c. compares d. being compared.

12. we’d better discuss everything __before we work out the plan.

a. in detail b. in general c. on purpose d. on time.

13. it sounds like something is wrong with the car’s engine, _we’d better take it to the garage immediately.

a. otherwise b. if not c. but for that d. if so

14. —i left my handbag on the train, but luckily someone g**e it to a railway official.

—— how unbelievable to get it back! i mean, someone __it.

a. will h**e stolen b. might h**e stolen.

c. should sh**e stolen d. must h**e stolen

15. —you could always put the decision off a little bit longer.

if i le**e it much longer i might miss my chance.

a. that’s reasonable advice. b. isn’t it a good idea?

c. do you think sod. i can’t agree more.


1. a。 时态。 没有难度,初中级别。

2. b。 时态。用貌似非谓语动词的选项干扰学生,稍有难度。

3. d。 时态。将来完成时。稍有难度,不过给出了明显的时间状语。

4. a。 定语从句。



5. c。 形容词辨析。难度稍大。主要考察词汇量。

6. d。 主语从句。难度小。

7. c。 名词辨析。难度稍大。主要考察词汇量。

8. a。 动词辨析。难度较小。

9. b。 情景对话。难度较小。一道很古老的高考试题。

andrew won't like it, you know.

i don't care what andrew thinks! (2023年广东卷)

a. so what b. so where c. so whyd. so how

her father is very rich.

she wouldn’t accept his help even if it were offered. (2023年山东卷)

a. what for? b. so what? c. no doubt. d. no wonder.

10. d。 动词短语辩词。难度稍大。翻译:——咋不开心,怎么回事?——我的提议又被拒绝了。

11. b。非谓语动词。难度较小。

12. a。介词短语辨析。难度较大。

13. d。副词短语辨析。难度较小。一道古老的高考题。

some of you may h**e finished unit one. _you can go on to unit two. (2023年江西卷)

a. if you may b. if you do c. if not d. if so

14. b。情态动词。

难度较大。本人认为此题欠妥,很难排除d选项,甚至比标准答案更合适。情态动词+h**e done 表猜测,从语气判断此处猜测的可能性比较大,本人认为选d更好。



15. c。情景对话。难度较小。


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