
发布 2020-05-20 03:05:28 阅读 3294

2024年春季高考北京试题的单项填空题涉及知识面广,涵盖了交际短语(1题)、冠词(1题)、介词(1题)、非谓语动词(1题)、定语从句(1题)、动词词组辨析(2题)、动词时态(4题)、状语从句(2题)、连词代词(2题)等。试卷内容贴近生活,贴近时代, 生活气息浓郁。其中动词仍然是单项填空题考查的重点。

题目仍在注重实用性的基础上,将对语法、词汇、习惯用语等语言项目的测试融入情景之中, 突出运用,在情景中凸现语言的应用,使语言鲜活。较往年相比,更加突出语言的交际化,更加强调英语知识的灵活运用。其题干简单明了,遵循了既定命题原则。


21. how can you possibly miss the news? it __on tv all day long.

a. has been b. had been c. was d. will be

答案是a。此题考查时态。信息句为一般现在时,由后句中all day long判断,显然是强调**新闻对现在的影响,与现在完成时表示过去的动作对现在造成的影响这一意义吻合。

22. there at the door stood a girl about the same height __

a. as me b. as mine c. with mine d. with me

答案是b。此题较简单,考查短语the same … as,同时as后应为my height,可用代词mine替代。

23. luckily, we'd brought a road map without __we would h**e lost our way.

a. it b. that c. this d. which

答案是d。考查定语从句,兼考虚拟语气。without which为介词加关系代词结构,介词短语表达与过去事实相反的条件。

24.-sorry to h**e interrupted you. please go on.

-where was i?

-you __you didn't like your father's job.

a. had said b. said c. were saying d. had been saying


order to change attitudes___employing women, the government is bringing in new laws.

a. about b. of c. towards d. on

答案是c。考查介词搭配。an attitude towards/to…是固定搭配。

26. we were swimming in the lake __suddenly the storm started.

a. when b. while c. until d. before

答案是a。考查状语从句。be doing … when 常能表达两种意思。


27. we're going towith some friends for a picnic. would you like to join us?

a. get in b. get over c. get along d. get together

答案是d。考查动词短语。根据前后语境,此处应为"欢聚"之意。get in为个"进入、收获、陷入"、get over为"爬过、克服、熬过"、get along with为"与……相处"

28. on __news today, there were __reports of he**y snow in that area.

a. the; the b. the; 不填 c. 不填;不填 d. 不填;the


29. the shop doesn't open until 11 loses a lot of business.

a. for b. or c. but d. so


30. i arrived late; i __the road to be so icy.

a. wouldn't expectb. h**en't expected

c. hadn't expectedd. wasn't expecting


31.-do you think i should get a good guidebook?

-yes, of courseyou also need a good camera and comfortable shoes.

a. what's more b. in other words c. by the way d. all in all


in other words表"换句话说"、by the way表"顺便说一句"、all in all表"总而言之"均与句意不合。

32. he looked around and caught a man __his hand into the pocket of a passenger.

a. put b. to be putting c. to put d. putting

答案是d。考查非谓语动词用法。catch sb.

doing sth.表"碰巧撞见某人正在做某事"符合此句的语境。又如:

the boy was caught stealing in the supermarket.

33. he was in hospital for six months. he felt as if he was __from the outside world.

a. cut out b. cut off c. cut up d. cut through

答案是b。考查动词短语。cut off表"切断、剥夺"符合语境中的意义。

cut out表"切掉、裁剪出"、 cut up表"切碎、歼灭"、cut through表"刺穿、抄近路"均不符合。

34. i __while reading the english textbook. luckily, my roommate woke me up in time!

a. had fallen asleepb. h**e fallen asleep

c. fell asleepd. fall asleep


35i can see, there is only one possible way to keep away from the danger.

a. as long as b. as far as c. just as d. even if


就i的认识程度而言,避开危险的可能只有唯一的办法。as long as表"只要"、even if表"即使、甚至"、just as用于引出事实共享原因。均与题意不符合。


2004年春季高考北京试题的单项填空题涉及知识面广,涵盖了交际短语 1题 冠词 1题 介词 1题 非谓语动词 1题 定语从句 1题 动词词组辨析 2题 动词时态 4题 状语从句 2题 连词代词 2题 等。试卷内容贴近生活,贴近时代,生活气息浓郁。其中动词仍然是单项填空题考查的重点。题目仍在注重实用性...

2024年高考英语试题 北京 安徽春季卷

顶岗实习总结。一 1.实习时间 2012年2月14日 2012年5月31日。2.实习地点 榆林市广宇建设工程 二 实习目的 通过实习对我在校所学的专业知识更加巩固,使得我在三年来所学知识的一个系统化,另外对本专业上所用测量仪器的一个很好熟练。三 实习要求。1 测量中基本知识数据处理流程及程序编制 2...

2024年高考英语试题 北京 安徽春季卷

西窗法语 读后感。河南大学民生学院尹冰鑫 1003601054 读 西窗法语 这本书的过程就有些与众不同。你会有时一连几章的百读不厌,也会读到后面弄不清楚了再翻回去看后面的内容,也会读的头很大,和上书在那里 直到各了几天后重又拾起。西窗法雨 单从名字看来,便十分有味道,不像 法律是什么 那么无趣,仿...