高三年级模块总复习 十二

发布 2022-01-22 10:55:28 阅读 6902


选修六unit 3 a healthy life 选修六unit4 globe warming 选修六unit5 the power of nature

i. 词组翻译(共50个;每个1分,共50分)

1. 由于。

2. 习惯于……

3. 想要做某事。

4. 处于危险之中。

5. 陷入。

6. 对……有瘾; 沉溺于。

7. 对…作出决定。

8. 不管;尽管。

9. 冒险。

10. 代表;支持。

11. 把……与…..相比较。

12. 发生。

13. 导致。

14. 有关系;有影响

15. 忍受;容忍。

16. 等等。

17. 大量的。

18. 逐步建立;增加;增进。

19. 继续。

20. 大体上;基本上。

21. 只要。

22. 反对。

23. 而不是。

24. 与……比较。

25. 全部烧毁。

26. 前往。

27. 未察觉到……;未意识到……

28. 努力。

29. 匆匆看一眼。

30. 由……到……不等。

31. 完全透明的。

32. 用某事去烦某人。

33. 提醒某人某事。

34. 为……所感动;对……有印象。

35. 大量的。

36. 处在恐慌中。

37. 进入恐慌状态。

38. 保证……

39. 蜿蜒前行。

40. 不遗余力,尽力。

41. 对……感到焦躁不安。

42. 有……的天赋。

43. 是……的家乡/发源地。

44. 多种多样的。

45. 使某人大吃一惊。

46. 前往。

47. 全部焚毁。

48. 睡得很熟。

49. 对……感到惊讶。

50. 对……怀着热情。

ii. 句型填空(共25个;每个2分,共50分)

1令人惊奇的是)at my age i am still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometers in an afternoon.

2. i think my long and active life must由于) the healthy life i live.

3. as you know, if you do the same thing一遍又一遍), you begin to do it automatically.

4我的确希望这样)because i want you to live一样健康长寿) i live.

5. you can h**e hiv in your blood for a long time, but eventually it damages your immune system如此以致于) your body can不再) fight disease.

6only when the disease has progressed to aids __a person begins to look sick.

7. anyone who has sex with a person感染) hiv/aids risks getting the virus

8the same reason, some aids patients cannot find anyone to look after them …

9. do not share anything else __a person has usedinjecting drugs.

10know that my cigarette smoke could affect the health of non-smokers.

11. howeveri did knowmy girlfriend thought i smelt terrible.

12. that probably doesn’t seem much to you or me but it is a rapid increase when

和……相比较)other natural changes.

13毫无疑问) the earth is becoming warmer and that __

___human activity __has caused this global warming而不是) a random but natural phenomenon.

14the “greenhouse effect”, the earth would be about thirty-three degrees celsius cooler than it is.

15. all scientists同意) the idea that the increase in the earth’s temperature is …

16. it means that more heat energy tends to be trapped in the atmosphere导致) the global temperature to go up.

17. the growth of the greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide in the air actually comes由于……的结果) the things we do every day.

18. if you can, buy things由什么制成) recycled materials.

19. h**e you ever considered how weak humans arecompare) with a volcano , hurricane or earthquake?

20. h**ing earlier collected special clothes from the observatory, we put them on before we went anyclose).

21swallow) the fruit, the girl became pregnant and later g**e birth to a handsome boy.

22. h**ing studied volcanoes now for many years, i __still对……感到惊讶) their beauty as well as their potentialcause) great damage.

23. i正要) go back to sleep __suddenly my bedroom became as bright as day.

24据说) the boy, who对……有很大的天赋) language and persuasion, is the father of the manchu people .

25. whenboil) rock erupts from a volcano and crashes back to earth, it causes less damage than you might imagine.

高三年级模块总复习 十一

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