
发布 2022-01-10 00:58:28 阅读 1098









)6. when can the boy watch tv?

a. on sunday night.

b. on friday afternoon.

c. on friday night.


)7. how does the boy get to school today?

a. on foot. b. by bike c. by bus.


) does cathy h**e to be in bed?

a. at 9:00 b. at 9:30 c. at 10:00


) 9. where does peter usually h**e lunch?

a. at home b. at school c. at his friend’s home

) 10. when does peter’s class begin?

a. at b. at c. at


)11. when can jenny play basketball?

thursday friday saturday

)12. what must jenny do before she can watch tv?

her homework . b. read a book

a shower.


)13. what does the boy want to do this evening?

a movie. b. to do his homework. c. to meet some friends.

)14. what does emily h**e to do first after school?

a. to h**e dinner b. to take a shower c. to do her homework

)15. what does the boy h**e to do every day?

a. to clean his room. b. to play the guitar c. to read books.



) do the two students go home from monday to friday?

bus b. on foot c. by bike

) should sam do first when he gets home?

a. h**e dinner b. do his homework. c. clean the house.

) long can sam watch tv from monday to friday?

a. for half an hour. b. for an hour c. for two hours.

)19. who does not h**e supper with the family?

a. sam’s father b. sam’s mother c. sam’s brother

) does sam do from to from monday to friday?

a. he does his homework. b. he reads books.

c. he studies for tomorrow’s lessons.




)26.--i don’t like this about you? -i don’t like it ,_

a. too b. also c. either d. outside

)27. -bill likes playing __basketball, but he doesn’t like playing __piano.

the b. /the c. the,/ d. a, the

) girl is good __these old people. she often talks __them happily.

a. with, for b. at , at c. to, with d. with, to

)29.--do you h**e a __

--yes, i do. i___in a big club.

work b. work, work c. work, job, d. job, works

) of this kind __

good b. tastes well c. taste good d. taste well

) can’t believe that this __boy can paint such a nice picture.

years old b. five-years-old c. five-year-old d. five-year-olds

)32does it take to finish your homework?

--it takes about two hours.

a. how far b. how often c. how long d. how soon

)33. can your mother __for a walk after dinner tonight?

out out go out out

)34.--does she h**e to get up early tomorrow morning?

a. did d. does

) eight o’clock now, jim is still __bed. he always arrives late __class.

for b. for ,in , for for

)36.--did you think of the trip to hainan?--it was exciting.

)37.--i’m new here. i don’t know how to get to the hospital.

--_let me help you.

a. of course worry all right done

) wants to know __

a. where tina live b. where tina lives c. where tina d. where does tina live

)39. -can tom help kids __swimming ? yes, he can.

a. /b. with c. for d. to

)40.--some students go to school by boat, but __go by bus.

a. other b. some other c. other’s d. others


let me 41 you something about my little dog snoopy. snoopy is an 42 dog. he looks very 43.

he has small eyes, tow big ears, four short legs and a small tail. it’s great fun him. i often teach him how to games.

now he can play many45 of games. if i say “go to sleep!”he goes to bed and 46 down at once.

if i say “play basketball!” he goes to 47 a ball and puts it into a basket. if i say “please dance for us!

”then he dances to music. “can he sing a song?”one of my 48 asks.

“of course he can, but he doesn’t sing 49himenglish or chinese. when he sings, 50 understands (明白) him.”


学校班级考号姓名。装订线。2010 2011学年度七年级 下 数学期中学业测评。一 选择题 本大题8小题,每小题3分,共24分 1.如图所示,1和 2是对顶角的是。2 点 7,0 在。a 轴正半轴上 b 轴负半轴上 c 轴正半轴上 d 轴负半轴上 3 若y轴上的点p到x轴的距离为3,则点p的坐标是。...


2013 2014学年度育英中学七年级下数学期中考试卷。考试时间 100分钟。1 在平面直角坐标系中,点m 2,3 落在 a 第一象限 b 第二象限c 第三象限d 第四象限。下列命题不正确的是 a.同位角相等b.两点之间线段最短。c.对顶角相等d.垂线段最短。如图,ab cd,cde 1400,则 ...


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